9) Lessons

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Britain: *at the store + lost america*

*runs to an employee*

Britain: Excuse me sir have you seen my son

Britain: He's this tall with sparkly hair-

Britain: And clearly gay but we haven't had the talk 

"Okay Y/n," Russia says. "How do you say that it's raining?" 

"Ид-Идет дождь," Y/n replies in a bit broken Russian. 

"Good, you're getting better," He tells her. "But you need to be a little more confident when you're talking," 

"I know," She says. "It's just weird speaking someone else's language to them," 

"I get that, I felt the same way speaking english to others at first," Russia shrugs a bit. "You'll get better at that too," 

Since she was living in a country where she hardly spoke the language, Russia had offered to teach her a few more basics of his language so she could communicate with others if needed. 

Y/n smiles a little. "Thanks Rus," 

Unnoticed by her, the young country's face turns a bit redder than it already is. 

"Guys," Belarus walks into the living room where they're practicing. "Have you seen Raine anywhere?" 

"No," Y/n replies. 

"She's in one of her moods," Russia adds. 

"What does that mean...?" The girl mutters. 

"It means that she's probably going to be gone for the day," Belarus sighs a bit in annoyance. "Thanks anyway," 

After she leaves, Russia speaks up again. "Every once and a while she gets super irritable and goes into the woods to cool down. But that takes her a long time, she won't be back until dinner," 

Y/n nods. "So does that mean that you're in charge?" 

"I guess," 

"Belarus just went to the shed again," 

Russia springs to his feet, looking out the window to see what she sees. 

"Goddammit Belarus!" 

Y/n laughs as he runs out the door to stop her form doing anything stupid. Her mind then drifts back to Ukraine. The young girl was probably the last person that the country wanted to see, but she can't help but worry. 

Y/n slips out the back door and goes to the forest to look. 

Ukraine hated her "moods", at least that's what her sibling's called it. She didn't know why she would suddenly get so angry, but she never wanted her family to experience it. So she found a patch of flowers in the forest to hide herself in. 

She picks another flower, admiring it for a moment before casting it aside and pulling her knees to her chest. 

I hate this...


Ukraine whips her heard around, spooking Y/n a bit. 

"What?!" The country snaps. 

Y/n walks forward and takes a seat a few feet away. "I just though you might want some company," 

"I don't!" Ukraine know's what she's lying. She was secretly happy for the company. 

Thankfully, Y/n stays in her place. They two of them sit in silence for several minutes, just enjoying the warm weather. 

Ukraine eventually glances over at the girl, only to see her weaving flowers into a crown. Y/n looks over at her, but the country quickly looks away again, pretending as if she wasn't watching at all. 

"I can show you how to make one if you want," Y/n says shyly. 

Ukraine wants to be angry for some reason. But her curiosity finally gets the best of her, and she scoots a bit closer to the girl to silently watch. 

Y/n shows her anyway, smiling and talking as if nothing was wrong, even though the country would never move or reply. As she works, Ukraine can slowly feel her anger melting away little-by-little.

"And then you finish off like...this," The girl completes the crown, which was made of blue and yellow flowers. She hands it to the country next to her. "Here, you can have it if you want," 

Ukraine carefully takes the crown, afraid of breaking it. But she soon put it on, and a smile finally makes it's way onto her face. 

"Thanks Y/n..." 

"Of course," Y/n replies. "Do you want to try?" 


Ukraine does her best to follow the girl's instructions. It was actually harder than it looked. Her crown ends up being way more breakable than her friend's. 

"You'll learn, Raine," Y/n laughs. "It just takes practice," 

"How did you learn?" Ukraine asks. 

"Pictures from a book and dandelions," She says awkwardly. "It took a while," 

The country smiles a but before placing the fragile crown on Y/n's head. The girl giggles and tips the slightly-oversized crown up above her eyes. 


Ukraine didn't understand how, even after everything that she had been through, Y/n was such a kind and sweet person. 

"Y/n...how are you such a good person...?" 

The girl tips her head to the side a bit, eyes flashing with nervousness. "What do you mean?" 

"I mean, after everything you went through with your dad and all..." Ukraine mumbles. 

Y/n looks away and stays quiet. The country quickly realizes that she made her upset and quickly apologizes. 

"I-It's okay!" Y/n assures her, but with an anxious stutter in her tone. "I-I guess I just...don't want people to feel t-the same way I did..."

"Sorry N/n, I didn't mean to-" Ukraine puts a hand on her shoulder in comfort. 

"It's fine!" The girl smiles, although it's a bit more forced than her other ones. 

The country sighs a bit before standing. "Come on, how about we head back?" 

Y/n nods and rises to her feet as well. The two of them begin walking back in silence. 

"Hey Y/n?" 


"You know I don't hate you, right?" Ukraine mumbles. 

"Yeah, I know," Y/n replies. "You're just worried about your family," 


 If only you knew...

Heavy is the Cost: Russia X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now