35) Third Charm

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to protect the world from devastation-

jk jk

sh*t happens again, it's like this for the next ten chapters probably


America steps into the meeting room with his brother, immediately locking eyes with Russia. The taller country is sitting at the U-shaped table beside China. His expression is flat, almost uninterested, and he soon looks back down at his files. 

Canada nudges his older brother, pulling him away from his thoughts. 

"Come on," The Canadian urges while taking a seat. America nods and follows, before studying the others in the room. 

Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Australia, New Zealand, Britain, France, Germany, Poland, Philippines, Interpol, UN, and of course, Russia and China. 

"Why are we all here?" Australia pipes up first with annoyance in her accented voice.

Right, no one really knew about the situation at hand. 

"Agreed," Belarus adds with equal irritation. 

France is next. "UN, you never call surprise meetings like this," 

UN walks into the opening of the table to stand in the middle of them all. "We have a new development in the case of the Third Charm," 

"That sounds like a team name from pokemon," Kazakhstan calls, causing Ukraine to punch him in the arm. "Ow!" 

"What would that development be?" Britain asks more calmly. 

"It's about your granddaughter," The organization continues, causing America's family, besides America himself, to freeze. The Slavics also exchange uneasy glances. 

"Y/n...?" France mutters with tears in her eyes. 

"What about her?" Ukraine asks sternly, but a bit too quickly to seem not-suspicious.

"Let's just say that things are about to get messy..." UN murmurs while turning to Russia and America. "Do one of you want to explain or should I?" 

All eyes fall on the two countries. 

"I'll say it," America says bitterly with a glare shot at Russia. "USSR kidnapped my daughter and then Russia married her," 

It takes almost twenty seconds for a reaction to his words. To everyone's shock, New Zealand, probably the quietest out of everyone in the room, suddenly slams his hands on the table, standing up to also glare at Russia. 

"You b*stard," 

"She did it willingly!" Russia retorts, holding his hands up in defense. 

"Forget all of that!" Belarus speaks next. "Where the hell is our sister?!" 

"Your sister?" France snarls. "Someone tell me what the French f*ck is happening here!" 

"Oh boy..." China mutters. Despite his seemingly concerned tone, there's a glint of amusement in his eyes that Russia notices. "This is messy," 

Author-chan is lazy, so how about we sum this up?

New Zealand tries to beat up Ukraine, only being held back by Canada, because no one beats up his "best friend" (hint hint), not ever his brother.

Australia stays strangely quiet the entire time, her happy demeanor is overshadowed by what she had just found out. 

Despite France's aggressive start, she's sobbing by the end.

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