48) Back Again

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i took my ACTs and the entire time my brain was just playing dad battle from fnf on repeat the ENTIRE time

that's three whole hours of dad battle

it was torture istg i never want to listen to it again-

Russia watches from the doorway as Y/n anxiously paces the room.

"Y/n," He calls after standing there for serval minutes. His presence obviously startles her, but Y/n smiles at him anyway, as if nothing was wrong.

"Y-Yeah?" She says quietly.

"We need to leave soon," He replies.

"R-Right..." Y/n takes a few deep breaths in before walking up to him. "I-I know..."

Russia gives her a quick hug, and keeps his hands on her shoulders after. "It's gonna be okay..."

"But what if it's not...?" She murmurs while staring at her feet. "What if nothing goes right...?"

"It will," He replies calmly. But he's doubtful as well.

Actually, no, he was still upset. He didn't want her to even breathe the same air as America. He was angry at him for what he did, and he was still a bit angry at her for wanting to go see him. But he would be a supportive mans anyway.

Because that's what u all came here for.

The next few hours are uneventful. They drive to the airport, get on the plane, and take off for the Aurora once again.

Y/n stares out the airplane window blankly for a while, lost in deep thought as she tried to sort through the mental mess that had been weighing her down for days.

What if he just yelled at her again? What if it was all a trick? What if he somehow forced her to leave Russia? Not that she would do so anyway, he would get her to leave over her dead body.


Y/n looks over just as Russia sits beside her on the leather couch. He hugs her tightly to the point where she almost couldn't breathe.


"Hush, just relax..." He mutters into the crook of her neck.

Y/n lets out a small sigh before letting herself go limp in his arms. She lazily begins playing with his white hair as well.



"I love you..."

"I love you too," Russia replies, his voice still muffled slightly. "Now go to sleep, I know you haven't slept well for a while,"

"I'm not tired," She protests bluntly.

"Sleeeeeeeeep," He whines while pulling her down onto the couch, laying on top of her to keep her there.

"Russia no,"

"Yes, sleep,"

"No," Y/n mutters.

"Y/n, yes," Russia replies.

"Y/n no,"

"Y/n yes,"

"Y/n maybe..."

He lifts his head enough to look up at her. "Yes,"

"Fine..." She murmurs.

"Look at the bright side," Russia adds. "We get to see River,"

"I guess you're right," Y/n responds with a small smile. "I hope he's okay..."

"I'm sure he's fine," He lazily lays his head back down on her shoulder. "River said he would call if something happened, and he calls anyway just to say hi,"

She laughs quietly and begins running her fingers through his hair. "You're right...you're right..."

"Now sleep,"


"Don't start this again-"

Y/n has to hold her hair in place to keep it from blowing in the wind. The ocean gust is almost strong enough to blow her over, but she keeps herself upright as she walks beside Russia to the Aurora's entrance.

Hopefully this visit goes better than the last one...

They step inside and out of the wind. Y/n lets go of her hair, allowing it to fall back to it's normal state.

Russia chuckles softly beside her before taking his hand in his. "A little breezy outside, huh?"

"Just a little," She replies with an amused smile.

They get to their room, and Y/n immediately flops down onto the couch.

"I told you to sleep on the plane," Russia tells her.

"I'm wasn't tired. I'm still not,"

"Then we can watch a movie,"

Y/n looks up at this. "Can we watch a western?"

"Absolutely not," He huffs while sitting on the edge of the couch with her.

"It was worth a try," She laughs softly and curls up beside him, snuggling into his fluffy coat. "What do you want to watch?"

"I dunno," Russia shrugs.

"C'mon, there's nothing that you want to watch?" Y/n asks in disbelief.

"I'll watch whatever you want to watch, besides westerns," He tells her, but he doesn't get a reply. "Y/n?"

Russia glances down and finds her dozing peacefully at last. A small smile makes it's way onto his face.

"Goodnight," He murmurs quietly. After pulling a blanket over both of them, he falls asleep as well.

Heavy is the Cost: Russia X Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें