16) Fever

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Okay so we all knew that this was gonna happen anyway, so it's not too much of a spoiler I guess

Should America recognize Y/n right away when he sees her, or should it take some time?

Lemme know

Soviet finally manages to get away from work. He glances at his watch as he hurries out the door.

Nearly midnight. 

The tall country prays that his children are alright as he hurries out of the capital, not even to glance at his office for the last time. 

He arrives back home a little over an hour later. His exhaustion is overpowered by his worry for his kids. 

Soviet walks into the house and finds that it's quiet. 

Good...maybe they're asleep...

He hangs his coat up before heading upstairs. The wooden floorboards creak a bit under his heavy feet, but not enough to disturb anyone. The house, although a bit old, was still holding up fairly well. 

Soviet freezes at the top of the stairs for a split second as he spots a figure lying on the ground nearby. 

"Y/n!" The tall country's feet quickly unlock from their place and he runs to her side, kneeling down beside her when he gets there. 

Soviet rolls her onto her back. The young girl's face is cherry-red from an obvious fever. Despite this, she shivers every few seconds. Her breathing is a bit uneven, and her face is twisted with discomfort. 

He lets out a soft sigh before carefully picking her up in his strong arms. Y/n stirs a bit in her sleep, though doesn't wake up fully. 

Soviet walks down the hall to her room and places her in bed. 

"They're..." Y/n's voice suddenly comes hoarse and tired. "They're...okay..."

He smiles at her as he pulls the covers up past her shoulders. "Thank you, Y/n. I'm sorry you had to push yourself so hard," 

She nods just a little. 

"Get some sleep, I'll check on you in the morning if you're not up," 


Soviet kisses her on the forehead before going to check on his other children. 

Estonia is curled up next to an old teddy bear. 

Belarus is sprawled out across her bed with all sorts of soft blankets around her. 

Ukraine is almost falling out of bed, so her father moves her back to a safer position. 

Kazakhstan is curled up under his blankets, there's a box of red feathers in the corner.

And Russia is dozing peacefully with his ushanka on the bedside table. 

Soviet finally allows himself to relax. Each one of his children had new flags, except Belarus, who hardly seemed to have changed at all. 

He walks back to his own room and goes straight to bed. 

Y/n wakes up the next morning with beads of sweat running down her face. On the contrary, she feels like she's freezing to death along with overheating. 

She groans and slowly pushes herself up, propping herself on her elbows. 

Where is everyone...?

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