She's done countless interviews, TV appearances, etc. There were times where it got overwhelming, but at the same time, she was doing something that she loved wholeheartedly.

"I want to put out something comfortable, lounge wear. Something we haven't necessarily done before." Brooklyn suggested, uncapping her pen and grabbing a piece of paper.

"If that's the case then we should do both patterns along with solids." Arian spoke. Brooklyn looked up from her piece of paper and nodded. She began to allow her thoughts to consume her, scribbling down any idea that popped up in her head.

"Honestly, I can get ideas and help from Chris with this aspect. Something that's loungewear and I also want to start on a men's line which he can help me with also. Moving forward, I really think we need to work on the inclusiveness. I want to launch more sizes and more gender neutral things. I want stuff that works for everyone, I want different materials, different faces to model, and a different motive." Arian nodded and grabbed her binder that contained all of the design information.

"It would be dope if you did a collaboration with a brand like Fenty." Brooklyn glanced up, raising both of her eyebrows.

"That's my fiancé's ex, I cannot do that." Brooklyn shook her head, going back to her sketching. It wasn't like there was any bad blood between the two because Brooklyn only knew her as Rihanna and Chris's ex. They've never held an actual conversation and she was aware that she gave Chris some encouraging words when her and Chris were going through their issues.

"But you're both extremely successful Black women who grew up in slightly difficult households. You both have a story." Brooklyn sighed and placed her pen down.

"It's not that I don't want to, but I don't want the media and opinions of other people to overshadow the business aspect of things. People love to add in their unasked for 2 cents into situations rather than just accepting it. I wouldn't want to bring drama into her life or my life because it's fans that create lots of drama anyways. Currently, I'm in an amazing space and I'm sure she is also. So I'd rather not do that." Arian hesitated before nodding.

"That's fair, it was just a suggestion." Brooklyn said nothing, continuing to jot down all of her ideas. Arian stared at the paper, seeing the vision and hoping Brooklyn wouldn't change her mind.

"Is it good?" Arian grabbed the piece of paper from Brooklyn, her eyes scanning the whole thing. She asked Brooklyn for her pen and began to critique and touch up a couple things.

"Oh I like that....okay so now that we have that, I can drive over to the design center some time this week if I have time. I'm a little busy because the wedding is coming up, but I should be able to make it there. I think we're good, I have to be somewhere in about 30 minutes so I'm going to head out." Brooklyn said while standing up and grabbing her purse. Arian also stood up, holding out her arms to give Brooklyn a slight hug.

"Alright, I'll see you...."

"Next weekend." Arian nodded and stepped back, giving Brooklyn the space to fully walk out. She did a slight wave and made her way down the long hallway that she entered in.

"Have a good day ma'am." Brooklyn smiled and nodded, pushing open the double doors and stepping out into the hot sun.

"Listen to me, no yelling in this damn car. It's only mommy with all three of you, your sister is sleep right now. What do y'all have to keep you occupied?" Brooklyn turned to look in the back where all three of her kids sat. Maliyah was in the middle with her car seat while both boys sat on either side of her. They both held their tablets up and Brooklyn nodded.

"Okay mommy." Micah responded, looking down at his tablet. Malachi didn't say anything, he simply put on his little headphones and started playing his video. Brooklyn smacked her lips and turned back around in her seat. Starting up her car, she quickly pulled out of their driveway and started on her way to the doctor's office.

"Mommy, I hungry." Brooklyn groaned, throwing her head back as she stopped at the red light. She turned to look at Malachi who looked back up at her with his big, bright eyes. Brooklyn glanced at the time before swerving into the Burger king drive thru. 

"What do y'all want, and it better not be the whole damn menu. Hurry up." 


"Ummmm nuggets." Brooklyn nodded, pulling up to the intercom. 

"Welcome to burger king, how may I help you?" Brooklyn rolled her window down and leaned out the window. 

"Hi, can I get 2 kids nugget meals and a large sprite." The lady told Brooklyn her price before she drove up to grab everything. She pulled her car over and put it in park while placing the two bags in her passenger seat. 

"Mommy-." Micah started until Brooklyn shot him a glare. 

"You know better than to start with that whining mess. Y'all better not mess up my car, y'all daddy just got this thing deep cleaned and I'll be dammed if it gets messed up. Don't drop not even a spectacle or I promise I'll knock y'all both out. Don't wake Maliyah up either. We're almost to the hospital." Both boys nodded and Brooklyn handed them their separate bags. She took a little sip from her sprite and pulled out the parking lot with one hand.  

The car ride was surprisingly calm and peaceful. She played light music while the twins ate and Maliyah didn't do anything more than a little whine. Usually the car rides were chaotic, but Brooklyn assumed all of the kids were tired. They were with their dad the whole morning doing God knows what.

"Y'all stand right there for mommy." Brooklyn put the twins next to the car while she climbed in the back of the car to get Maliyah. 

"It's only me beautiful, shhhh." Brooklyn cooed. She hated having to wake her up, but she was an extremely soft sleeper. Any little sound or touch had her crying, something that was a lot different from when the twins were her age.

Brooklyn could see the paparazzi already waiting for them to pass by. She grabbed Maliyah's blanket to cover her up, closing the door of the car and locking the doors. The secret of them having a new baby would be the biggest headline by tomorrow. Brooklyn could only imagine the stories everyone will come up with being that she had no baby bump or signs of pregnancy.

"Stay close to me." Brooklyn mumbled as she began to walk with the boys in front of her. She placed another hand on Maliyah as they passed the paparazzi. Something that was different for Brooklyn was her need and care about having security now. 

Having kids and other people to protect changed her views on a lot of things. When it was only her and Chris, she didn't care as much being that her name wasn't as big. She was also grown enough to get through the paparazzi and shit on her own. But once she got pregnant the first time, everything switched for her.

I had no idea how to end this and I know it's short. 4-5 more chapters left.

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