Ch - 21 "Anger"

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But my voice stuck into my throat when he brought his face so closer to mine that I could feel his breath on my lips. 

"What do you want, Angel? Tell me what is it? Money? Gold? Diamonds? Anything I will give you that, and in return just get the hell out of my life because you are nothing but a lying bitch. And I don't want you in my fucking life" he said with gritted teeth and I looked at him with pure hurt in my eyes. 

How could he think of me like that? What happened to him? Doesn't he know me at all? I tried my very very best to control my tears. 

He left me with the jerk and walked to his office angrily. I could feel my shoulder hurt because of his tight hold. 

I started to make another coffee for him when I felt someone enter with clicking heels. 

"So you are here bitch" Lacey said with so much venom in her voice. 

Great now my official name is bitch. 

I wanted to laugh at my pity self. But before I could do anything she held my shoulder and turned me to face her. 

She didn't waste any time and slapped me hard on my face, I felt the very heated sting and I knew it would leave a bruise. 

I held my cheek, tears were freely flowing out of my eyes as I looked at her with little fear in my eyes. I took a few steps back in fear she would hit me again. 

"You think you'll snatch blaize away from me and I'll just sit around clapping at your marriage ceremony?" She gritted her teeth and tried to hold my hair but I duck in time. 

I could hear Blaize yelling for his coffee, so I ignored Lacey and placed the coffee cup in the tray carefully. I was walking out when I saw Blaize coming to this same direction. 

But it was too late to stop when I felt Lacey stuck her leg out in front of me and the coffee went flying on Blaize's sky blue Coat. 

Again the cup broke and I fell on the floor with a thud. But did anyone care? 


Blaize was more angry and worried about his coat while Lacey was busy smirking as looking at me. 

I stood up and walked to him.

"I-I-I - a-am s-sorry" I said, biting my lip to control the tears which were on the verge of breaking from my eyes .

"Your Sorry Wouldn't Change YOUR MISTAKE" he yelled at me making her more flinched.

I winced at the word mistake "I-I will c-clean it , sir" I spoke in a little and broken voice.

"You better, before I clean you from this country" He threatened and threw his coat at my face and turned to his office.

I silently took the coat which slipped to the floor and quietly went away with the soaked coat in my hands and tears in my violet eyes.

Lacey followed me out and stood Infront of me. "This is starting Dear Angel, even if you marry him, you'll never be able to hold his heart, he is mine and he will be mine. I don't care about this so call stupid marriage,  but Blaize will always be mine and no one can take him away from me, not even you. So you better watch your steps from now on" she said angrily and went to the lift to go down. 

I sighed and walked to the small washing room available and soaked his coat in water, I needed a few things so the coffee won't leave a mark. 

I went to the pantry room and took Salt and soda with me. Using it, I removed the coffee mark and dried his coat. 

It was as new as it was. I wish the relation between me and Blaize would also get as like as it was. 

But some things are so far from our reach that even if we give our whole life, we can't have it.

Even if I marry Blaize, he will never be mine because he doesn't want me, he hates me so much that it hurts to even look at those beautiful blue orbs.

The eyes that I love so much, that used to hold infinite love for me, now contain only hate for me. 

I hope I could survive the days with him, I need my support now, I need my mom now. 

That whole day I made my gap with Blaize, I put every file and schedule on his table when he was in the restroom so I didn't have to face him and went home at 6 exactly.

It really scares me to say that tomorrow is my marriage, I just wish from God to wake mom up tomorrow. I need her more than anything now. 





Author's Note

Hope you guys like this chapter.

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