Act Like We're All Still Kids

Start from the beginning

"Shut up, both of you." I said, and reached over for Barrett's gift. Jessica slapped my hand away and handed me hers instead. Evan and Jon took that away and threw it backstage, and handed me theirs.

We literally just met you the other day at the hospital, but you seem cool, and you like chocolate. Make sure to hide these from Alice and Elle.
Evan Todd and Jon Eidson

In the box, there were 3 different boxes of chocolates. One was normal chocolate, one had almonds in it, and the third had 60 different truffles, all with different flavors.

On the top of the chocolate boxes, there was a paper that said, "Cat's Chocolate: Alice Don't Touch."

"Can I touch it?" Elle asked, and reached over. Evan grabbed it, and scribbled on the paper. Alice's name was crossed out and replaced with "Heathers Cast."

"Darn it." Elle said.

Jessica had come back with her gift in her hands. "Now that you opened Evan's pharmacy chocolate, here's my gift."

I ripped open the card, and it said,

I know you've been through a lot, and I can't imagine how hard it is to have to deal with things like that. You're such a beautiful young woman. But when you smile, or laugh, it's so beautiful and precious, because it's rare to get moments like that with you. I hope what I got you will make you smile. We recorded it while you were getting your scan done. (Ryan, Alice, Evan, Jon, and I made their parts at the theater)
Jessica Keenan Wynn

I opened the small box, and a flash drive came out of it. Jessica pulled out her laptop and plugged the USB into it. A few minutes later, a video popped up. Jessica, Katie, and Elle were in a bathroom.

"Hi Sunshine, um, it's me. I love you so much, baby girl. Just try to stay positive." Elle said on the video. She looked down at her shoes, and said, "I hope you're doing okay in there. I miss you. See you when you wake up." Elle blew a kiss at the camera and it faded out. Jessica turned to me, and said, "Oh, we wanted to give this to you when you woke up from your scan, but I couldn't get it edited in time."

Katie came on next, and said, "I'm gonna keep this short. It's unbelievable how strong you're being right now. I admire that more than you could ever know. I look really stupid right now, giving a camera compliments in a hospital bathroom, but anything for you. Love you."

I smiled at the actual Katie, and then Jessica came on. She was walking with the camera.

"Hi. I have to go on stage pretty soon, so I'm recording this on the way there. Stay strong for me, okay? You're the best. See you soon."

Then Alice came on. She had her camera set up in Elle's dressing room.

"Hey, Catlynn. Don't tell Elle I'm trespassing." She giggled, and continued her speech. "I really hope you're okay. Elle texted me and told me what happened...just don't get scared, okay? We all love you and we're all here for you. See you after the show, I promise I'll be there."

Ryan was set up, holding a cup.

"Hey, squirt. I owe you a slushie soon, remind me.  I don't really know what else to say see ya later, I guess?" Ryan turned off the camera, and Evan and Jon came on.

"Hey. You don't know us, really, but we've heard of you. You seem cool. Hope you like chocolate."

Then the video ended. I hugged Jessica and said, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"You're welcome!" Jessica said.

"My turn!" Barrett said, and Katie started protesting. Barrett handed me 2 boxes and said, "This is from the entire cast, but we branded it as 'my' gift because I forgot to get you something. I didn't put a card, sorry."

I opened it up, and it was a brand-new iPhone 6, plus a laptop. "Oh my God, thank you so much!" I hugged Barrett, and went to open Katie's gift. There was a card attached to it as well.

They made you cry, but that will end tonight. You are the only thing that's right about this broken world.
Sorry, it's from the show. Ryan should put that in his card. It's his line, after all! In all seriousness, thank you for being the amazing girl you are. I love you, Sunshine. You're smart, and pretty, and funny. Thanks for being you.
Katie Ladner

I tore open Katie's gift. Inside were some school supplies, some pencils, some pens, some notebooks, some highlighters, and a new phone case.

"Hope you like it!" Katie cried, and I hugged her.

"I love it!"

Elle moved over to me, and said, "Before this last gift, I wanted to say that you are the most beautiful girl ever, Sunshine. You are my sunshine, that's why it's your nickname. Go ahead, open it."

I tore open the card, which read,

When I met you, you were broken. I didn't know how to help. But seeing how well you adjusted  and how happy you are here makes me happy too. You're my beautiful sunshine girl, always stay that way. I love when we play Go Fish together, and eat chocolate, and eat sushi late at night in my dressing room. Promise me you'll never change. You're amazing just the way you are.
Elle McLemore

"Elle!" I cried, hugging her. She held me tightly and said, "This gift's an important one. Open it."

I opened the box, and inside was a manila folder. I opened the folder, and inside, there was something I never thought I would see.

Adoption papers.

"Oh my God. Is this real? I'm getting adopted?" I squealed and hugged Elle. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"It's also a joint birthday present, too. The court date's on June 30th. Your birthday." Katie said.

I squealed and hugged each cast member one at a time. Then, Elle said, "There's a second part of the surprise. I got your middle name legally changed. Your last name's getting changed too."

I took out the paper that was behind my adoption papers, and read it in shock.

"Welcome home, Catlynn Sunshine McLemore."

AN: I told you Catlynn was gonna get some good news! I really hope you enjoyed the story. Sweet little Catlynn has kind of taken over my life at this point. Catch ya later!

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