Are you up yet? 6:35 am

Mariana was pleasantly surprised by Payton's quick response.
Yeah. Nightmares again? 6:36 am

Yeah. 6:36 am

One sec. 6:37 am

Mariana twitched her head in curiosity at that message right before a video call from Payton popped up on her screen. Mariana slid the answer button across her screen and greeted Payton.

"Hey, Ana."


"So what's going on? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just...shook up, I guess."

"What happened this time?"

Mariana told Payton everything about her nightmare in as much detail as she knew Payton was going to ask for.

"Christ, Ana. You know that shit's not normal, right? It's not normal for people to have that bad of nightmares as often as you're having them."

"Yeah, I know. But I'm pretty sure it's just stress-related. They'd probably go away if I could get Yoongi figured out."

"Is he STILL being a flake?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

"Anaaaa. Talk to him! This has been going on way too long! I know they get really busy, but Jungkook still texts me every day, and video calls pretty much every other. Hell, Yoongi used to be that way too."

"I've been trying. We're still going on dates, but it only pulls through like once a month. And most days I can text him all I want, and he'll still forget to reply. I've been talking to Jimin and the others daily just to stay in the loop most days."

"Ana, that's not okay. You need to find a way to make him listen to you."

"I know." Mariana said with a sigh of defeat.

"Hey. It's not the end of the world, okay? Don't be too hard on yourself. Or him. If he didn't still care, he wouldn't still be with you."

"You really think so?"

"I really do." Payton confirmed.

There was a silence between them as Payton looked over Mariana's face.

"What else is going on? You still look like something's bugging you."

"I, uh... I'm pretty sure I just complicated everything."

Payton raised an eyebrow. "How so?"

"I asked Namjoon to go to the movies with me last night because Yoongi forgot about our date. We had a great time, and then got caught in the pouring rain without an umbrella, so I invited him in to dry his clothes out, and we, ended up making, passionately."

Payton's jaw dropped, and her eyes widened. "Mariana! That's definitely going to complicate things!"

"I know, but I don't know what to do about it, Payton!"

"You have to tell Yoongi. You're an ARMY too, you know how he is. If you don't come clean before he can find out, and you know he WILL, it's just going to make things way worse."

Mariana rolled her bottom lip through her teeth with a sigh. Almost as if she was going to interject, but she knew better.

"It's a conversation no one wants to have. But you really do need to come clean Ana. While it's still forgivable."

"Okay, okay." Mariana sighed.

"When are you planning to see him next?"

"The guys have a photoshoot the day after tomorrow. Is that really the best time to bring it up? When he needs to be able to smile?"

"He's a professional, Ana. He'll make sure his work is done right." Payton reassured her before looking over at her clock. "I've gotta get going. Text me if you need me okay?"

Mariana nodded. "You know I will."

"Why don't you see if Seon is free today or tomorrow? You two have been good friends lately. And he's, what? A year younger than Suga? Maybe he could give you a guy's perspective on the whole thing." Payton suggested.

"That's, actually a really good idea. I'll do that. Thanks, Pay."

Payton smiled. "Anytime. Love you."

"Love you too." Mariana told her before clicking the end call button and looking at the time.
7:10 a.m
Mariana sighed before pulling off the covers and heading out to the kitchen to start cleaning. The guys wouldn't be up for at least another thirty minutes, and Seon is never up before nine, but she needed to kill time somehow until someone was awake.

A Thousand Words (Min Yoongi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now