Movie Scare

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**January 30th**

Suga was about to knock on Mariana's door to surprise her when he heard her scream from the other side, followed by some choice vocabulary and a thud of someting hitting the floor.

"Ana?!" Suga exclaimed as he hurriedly unlocked her door with the spare key under her mailbox and burst through the door.

Mariana was suddenly aware of the door slamming open and someone rushing over, causing her to scream again and practically teleport to the other side of her couch as she hid all but her eyes under her fuzzy light blue blanket. She realized it was just Suga, and tossed the blanket back into her lap. "Jesus Christ, Suga!! What the hell?!" She exclaimed and hit the pause button on her Playstation remote.

"I heard you scream! Are you okay?" He asked, still in a bit of a panic as he sat on the couch in front of her, making a quick sweep of the room with his eyes to see what was happening.

"I'm fine, Yoongi. I'm just watching a scary movie." She assured him.

Suga sighed a bit in relief through a guilty chuckle. "Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you even more."

"Nor did I mean to scare you. I didn't know you were planning on coming over tonight, so I put in a scary movie mom sent me for Christmas one year."

"What one is it?"

"The Possession Of Hannah Grace." Mariana said a bit proudly.

"...That just sounds scary." Suga stated.

"I think it is. Especially since I haven't watched it in forever. One of my old high school friends got me hooked on scary movies before she moved away to go to college."

"Let me guess. Payton?" Suga asked with a little knowing smile.

Mariana shook her head a bit. "No, Payton and I are two years apart, but I'm older. It was actually Payton's big sister." Mariana explained.

"Ah, okay. Safe to assume you like watching scary stuff then?"

"Yeah, I do." Mariana confirmed with a single nod and adjusted herself back to the middle of the couch.

"No wonder you and V get along well." Suga started. "I'm not a huge fan of scary stuff, but if you want a movie buddy tonight, I'll watch one with you."

"Oh, since you're here, I guess." Mariana said in amusement and pulled the blanket up enough for Suga to join her.

"Not really going to complain about your Bias wanting to watch a movie with you, huh?" Suga asked with a little chuckle as he sat down.

"Never. Especially when it's my ultimate bias' idea." Mariana started with a smile.

Suga visibly perked up. "Ultimate bias? I feel like I just got promoted." Suga happily stated as Mariana passed some of the blanket over to him.

"You've been my ultimate bias since day one. Which makes this whole meeting and being friends with BTS thing even crazier. I mean, what makes me so special? There's millions of other people out there that would be more convenient, and just as ecstatic. After all, I live all the way in the states when I'm not enrolled at school. That tends to complicate everything in any relationship."

"Bah. Convenient is boring." Suga started, making Mariana smile. 'And the fact that you're really cute definitely helps.' Suga thought. "Honestly, if we could make personal friendships with ARMY, we would. We love you guys, we really do, but it puts us at too high of a risk for sasaengs."

"Oh, I don't doubt it. Those people are freaking psychotic. I know it scares me just hearing about what they do, let alone actually being the one it's directed at."

"And that's why we love ARMY. You do whatever you can to help us through those situations no matter what. You're like a second family."

"We could say the same for you guys." Mariana pointed out with a smile. "Now. Are we gonna chit chat all night, or watch the movie?" She changed topics.

Suga couldn't help but smile. "Go ahead and hit play. I'll try not to sacrifice you to the ghosts first just to buy myself more time." He joked.

Mariana laughed. "You wouldn't dare."

"I'll make an exception for you. Just make sure you can keep up when I start running." He continued the joke.

"I'll do my best." Mariana said with a smile.

A Thousand Words (Min Yoongi x OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon