Flying Back

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*December 30th, boarding the plane back to Korea*

Mariana greeted the plane captains and stewardesses that were standing at the entrance of the plane. She showed them her ticket and they directed her down the leftmost aisle, Mariana thanking them as she went on her way to her seat, smiling as she saw her open middle seat next to Jimin in the middle aisle of the plane. Jimin looked over to her as she was putting her luggage up into the over-head carry-on compartment.


"Hi Jimin!" She greeted him and started taking off her backpack as she slid into her middle seat next to him.

"I was so worried I was going to be surrounded by weird strangers." He joked.

Mariana laughed a bit as she slid her backpack under the seat in front of her and pulled out her phone with her earbuds wrapped around it. "Nope. You just have to put up with me."

"I can live with that." Jimin said with a smile.

"Well this is should be interesting." Namjoon said as he took his aisle seat next to Mariana.

"Suga hyung's probably going to make one of us move." Jimin started with an amused smile. "He won't dare admit it, but he has the cutest crush on you, Ana."

Mariana laughed a little. "Well, he's my bias, so I've got a crush on him too. We're even."

"Do you have any bias wreckers?" Jimin asked curiously.

"Yes...." Mariana stated with a cautiously raised eyebrow.

"Go on. Continue." Jimin egged her on.

"Please do. Now I'm curious." Namjoon stated as he leaned into the conversion.

"You two just want to figure out if you're one of them, don't you?"

"Yes." Jimin confirmed with a nod.

"Yeah." Namjoon admitted with an amused smile.

Mariana closed her eyes for a moment as she chuckled. "Okay, you're all bias wreckers, just to be clear. But you two," she started as she pointed one finger at her sides, one each at Jimin and Namjoon. "Spend A LOT of time dividing my attention with Hobi."

"Yes!" Jimin excitedly stated as he brought a fist down to his chest.

"Bias wrecker, huh?" Namjoon pondered with his typical tongue behind his teeth smile. "I can live with that." He said with a nod.

"Would you two quit harassing her?" Suga asked before putting his bag in the overhead compartment across from their seats.

"We're not harassing her, we're learning more about her." Jimin stated.

"Well, put it on hold. One of you needs to move." Suga calmly stated.

"Don't look at me, I'm on the opposite side of the aisle." Jimin said with his hands up.

Namjoon sighed a bit. "Fine." He said and took Suga's seat across the aisle next to Jin.

"You must like me or something if you're going to make people move just to get next to me." Mariana joked with him a bit.

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