Date Night Backfires

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*February, 9th*

It was around 2:00 in the afternoon as the boys were packing up early after a long, but good morning and afternoon at the practice studio. They all picked up their bags and walked back to their large apartment together, talking and poking fun at each other as they usually do.

"Hey, Suga! How long has it been since you've actually seen Mariana?" Jin piped up with a smile.

"I can't believe it's been like two weeks and you haven't seen your girlfriend before I have." Jimin playfully scorned him.

"She's not my girlfriend, we're not actually dating. We've been on one date since she got back. One." Suga pointed out.

"Uh-huh. That's why you keep inviting her to dinner at your studio, and specifically not inviting us. Or having video chats while you're locked in your bedroom. You know we're her friends too, right?" Namjoon pointed out.

"That's because you're all ridiculously embarrassing." Suga responded.

"Oh come on, Yoongi. We have the rest of the day off. Go get her some flowers or something and surprise her. You know you'll both love it." Taehyung encouraged.

"Okay, okay. If it'll get you vultures off of my back." He jokingly agreed even though he had every intention to actually go surprise Mariana now.

"Good! But first, you need to shower. You smell like a pair of dirty gym socks." Hoseok teased him, screaming a bit and jumping to the other side of Namjoon as he got the evilest death stare from Suga.

"Hey! I'm not going to be a human shield for your own stupidity!" Namjoon exclaimed with a slightly amused chuckle as everyone else was laughing at Hoseok.

"At least I'm the better looking dirty gym sock." Suga stated as he faced forward again and all the other guys busted out in laughter.


Suga went through the shower first, got dressed, and promptly went out and bought a bouquet of Mariana's favorite flower, white roses before he made his way across town to her apartment. Her apartment was up a couple of flights of stairs in an apartment complex building. Suga made his way up the first flight, the late afternoon traffic beating all around him. He climbed the last flight of stairs and froze at the sight in front of him.

"Ana?" He asked in hurt and confusion at the sight of her back against the wall outside her apartment, another man kissing her.

Mariana pried the other man from her lips. "Suga!" She exclaimed and managed to shove the guy off of her.

Suga just turned around and headed back down the stairs, refusing to say anything for fear of what might actually come out of his mouth. Maybe he misunderstood her feelings towards him. After all, they never really had established their relationship status.

"Yoongi!" Mariana exclaimed, trying to get him to stop, but with no success.

"Oh, let him go." The strange guy told her as he grabbed her arm to keep her there."

"Let go of me, Seon, you drunk jackass!" Mariana yelled at him and smacked Seon across the cheek to pull her arm free. "Suga!" She exclaimed and ran after him.

She sprinted once she was down on the flat sidewalk, and ran to the front of him to make sure he stopped. "Yoongi, please, listen to me." She pleaded as she put her hands in front of him to get him to stop.

"What is there to listen to? You trying to justify to yourself what just happened? Save your breath. If you didn't really have any feelings for me, you should have just said so." He almost spat out at her as he tried to keep walking.

Mariana's expression furrowed in determination as she moved into his path to stop him again. "I DO have feelings for you! Couldn't you see I didn't want any part of that guy? Please, just come inside with me and I'll explain." She said, trying every card she had to talk him down. She wanted to just kiss him and prove what he meant to her, like in the movies, but she knew he didn't like being touched when he was upset, and she feared that it'd only make it worse.

"No. I can't do this right now." He said with a shake of his head, avoiding looking directly at her.

"What are you saying?" Mariana asked, trying to keep the premature hurt from her tone.

"I'm saying...I don't know." He huffed as he gathered his courage. "That maybe It would have been better if we never even met."

Mariana's jaw dropped in shock. Of all the things she thought he'd say, that was not one on her list. She was speechless and quite frankly, she was worried about what would happen if she did say something. Before either of them knew what to do next, her hand quickly met Suga's cheek, leaving the side of his face tingling as she stormed by him, heading back to her apartment and fighting herself with everything she had left to not start crying then and there.

Suga stood in the sidewalk in amazement, only coming out of his trance when he heard the faint slamming of the door to Mariana's apartment. The noise snapped him back to reality, making him realize what had just happened. He finally started walking home, watching his feet as he walked. He had just thrown himself into a mess that he couldn't see the end of, and he couldn't see how there was going to be any fixing it now.

Suga ended up walking the whole way home, and since Mariana lives closer to the opposite side of Seoul from the boy's apartment, it took him a good hour and a half to get home. It gave him time to think. A dangerous amount of time to think. By the time he walked in the door to their apartment, he was all kinds of upset at himself, and it showed.

He unlocked and opened the door to the apartment, hoping everyone was still spread out around the place, but of course, they were all in the living area where the entrance door was easily visible, watching a movie together.

Considering whenever Suga went to Mariana's he always came home late, everyone immediately knew something was wrong as soon as he walked through the door while it was still light outside. Namjoon got up and went over to talk to him to see if he could figure out what happened, but of course the space was small enough for everyone else to hear the two from their spots. "What happened? You look like Yenotan when nobody gives him attention."

"I think I screwed up. REALLY screwed up, Namjoon."

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