"Execute them."

"My Qu -"

"I said execute them."

"Yes, my queen."

I won't cry for you.


When you're gone I'll still be,

Bloody Mary.

It was starting to get out of hand.

More and more people were protesting against returning to the Catholic faith. Mary had executed 12 just today.

There had to be a better way.

We are not,

Just art for Michaelangelo.

To carve.

He can't rewrite the agro of my,

Furied Heart.

"You aren't pregnant."

"What, of course I am!"

"No, you aren't."

I'll wait on mountain tops in Paris cold.

J'veux pas mourir toute seule

"There wasn't a misscariage, because there was no baby!"

"Yes there was!"

"I'm done with this."

I'll dance, dance, dance.

With my hands, hands, hands.

Above my head, head, head.

Like Jesus said.

Mary stared at the cross on her neck.

Her mother's necklace.

She'd been given it when she died.

Why had God been so cruel to them?

Had they not been worthy?

I'll dance, dance, dance.

With my hands, hands, hands.

Above my head.

Dance together.

Forgive him before he's dead because -


It was her father that had been unworthy, and he'd dragged her mother into the mud with him.

Forgiveness was for those who were worthy.

And her father wasn't one of those people.

I won't cry for you.

I won't crucify the things you do.

Mary figured it out.

How to cleanse her country.

The only way to purify water was to burn it.

So why not try it on people?

She'd burn away their sins.

I won't cry for you.

See, when you're gone I'll still be,

Bloody Mary.

The raging fire was delightful to look at.


Mary could see the sins floating away in the air.


Six: The Musical - One Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें