"I need to get my hair done like now chile." Brooklyn said to herself, looking in the downstairs mirror at the curly wig she had on. Chris stood behind her and pulled the wig down. Brooklyn held her forehead as she went down with it, being that the wig was extremely secure and wasn't moving. 

"Chris what the fuck?!" She rubbed her scalp, looking at him like he had 3 heads. Chris stood genuinely confused, pulling again but lighter this time.

"If It's a wig then why it don't move when I pull it?" Brooklyn smacked his hand away and walked around him over to grab her scarf. She pursed her lips and ran her fingers through her hair. 

"It's a frontal babe, it's secure with glue. Before you ask me another dumbass question, no the glue is not directly on my hair. Don't ask me anything else about this because I don't have the patience with you tonight." Chris put on a goofy smile and walked over by her, pulling her into his arms giving her a bear hug. Brooklyn squirmed and whined, twisting her body in different ways. 

"You're so damn little, grow my nigga." Brooklyn smacked her lips and pushed him off of her with all her strength. She flicked him off and glanced over at Micah who started making little noises before going back to his light snores. 

"If I could grow, I would." She mumbled, sitting down and sinking into the couch. It was only her, Chris, and the twins in the house for the night. The two just needed time away from other people, time to spend with each other and embrace each other's time. 

"So what's the update on your momma and shit?" Chris asked, plopping down on the couch next to her. He reached over, grabbing her waist to pull her on top of him. This was his favorite position and she never put up a fight, so he assumed it was hers too. 

"Well, I went back like you said and it was hard but they told me everything. Basically Taylor- my mom told Maya and who I thought was my father to not tell me the truth. My mother has life in prison, they didn't go into detail why and I don't care why but she does. So since she won't be able to see me like ever, she told them to cover for her. Maya said the guilt of lying was too heavy to handle so she told me the truth." Chris stroked his goatee and nodded his head. 

"So how do you feel? Are you going to reach out to Taylor or something?" Brooklyn shook her head and leaned forward, laying her head on his chest and looking out into the distance. Chris cradled her as if she was a small child, rubbing her back and waiting for her to speak.

"I thought about it for a while and decided that I'm not going to. I don't want to open up anymore doors on that side of my life. Any and everyone in my family is dead to me, except for Bri and Makai. I need to move on with life and just be happy, at peace. I want to be happy and happiness comes with letting go of negativity and doing what's best for you. Them out of my life is what's best for me." Chris tapped her butt, causing her to lean up and give him a small smile. 

"I want you to talk to me about everything. If you feel conflicted then I need you to tell me. I'm only going to ask you once Brooklyn, are you positive about this decision. You're letting go of a huge part of you." 

"Chris, do you realize where most of my inner demons and depression came from? It was because of them, a lot of my anger was due to them....I mean you too but it really fueled from them. I refuse to dig myself into a deeper hole because of them and honestly, it's a stress reliever to let go of them to be honest. My main focus from now on is our two little babies. Everything will fall in line after that." Chris leaned his neck forward and tilted his head a little bit, connecting their lips. Brooklyn held both sides of his head, deepening the kiss as she licked the top of his lip for entrance. 

"Baby...baby okay." Chris chuckled, out of breathe from the short kiss. Brooklyn's eyes gave off lust as her eyes remained on him. He bit down on his bottom lip, his eyes mirroring hers suddenly. 

"We should try something-."

"No." Brooklyn pouted and climbed off of him. She walked to the kitchen, turning around for him to follow her but he stayed seated. 

"You didn't even try to hear what I had to say and can you come here please?!" Chris patted his thighs, getting up and letting out a loud stretch. He leaned to the right and slowly followed behind Brooklyn. She looked back, laughing to herself at the way he was walking. 

"What you wanna try mama, let me hear it." Chris jumped on the counter, grabbing her waist to pull her closer to him. She placed her index finger on her chin and looked ahead of him. 

"I think we should try a sex hiatus because-."

"Hell no." Chris shook his head and attempted to get up, but Brooklyn pushed him back down on the counter and gave him a blank stare which he mimicked. The two stared at each other, doing nothing but blinking. 

"Chris I'm serious."

"I'm serious too and I said hell no." Brooklyn furrowed her eyebrows and rolled her eyes. 

"I think it'll be good for us. We fuck literally every single day Chris....everyday. That's in no ways healthy because it can come to a point where we're so caught up in lust that we forget about why we really love each other." Chris groaned and threw his head back. 

"Brooklyn, I know why I love you. Having sex doesn't let me forget that." Brooklyn crossed her arms and put her weight on her left leg. 

"That doesn't matter, just because you know now doesn't mean you won't forget later-."

"What the hell have you been reading and why the hell have you been reading it?!" Chris looked at her like she was crazy and she rolled her eyes. 

"Nothing Chris but it's factual. So we're gonna take 3 weeks off baby. You'll survive." She smiled, patting his chest and turning to walk away. Chris grabbed her waist, pulling her back towards him. 

"Wait till them 3 weeks over..." His raspy voice in her ear causing a waterfall between her legs. She turned around and widened her eyes a little bit. Chris's face was hard as a rock, no expression being shown until he gave her a fake smile. 

"I swear I can't stand you, but we have an event to attend on Saturday." Brooklyn mumbled, sitting back into one of the spinning chairs. Chris scrunched up his face and used his tongue to poke at the inside of his mouth. 

"What event?" Now that Brooklyn was back, she was back to being his personal calendar. Chris's organization skills were terrible. He had a very hard time keeping up with simple things and if he wrote it down, he would lose it. So Brooklyn took on the responsibility of making sure he was aware of everything at least a day before. 

"It's a gala thing for charity, a lot of big names will be there and you need to make an appearance. The twins are also coming because it won't be anything too out of their comfort zone. The tailors are bringing by everything tomorrow so don't worry about your outfit. We have to walk the carpet, we'll have them with us. It starts at 8 until 10, dinner provided and everything. There was the option of chicken or steak and I did steak for you." Brooklyn smiled, reading off everything from her phone. 

"Wife material right here." Chris muttered, standing up and leaning down to give her another kiss. Brooklyn licked her lips once they pulled away, staring deep in his eyes. 

"I guess so." She mumbled, looking down and touching her lip.

Kind of short I know, I think about 10 chapters left. Would've been 5 but I don't wanna rush TOO much.

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