(This video is amazing btw ^)


Ryan: Oh, fiddlesticks! That really ruffles my feathers!

Jack, crying: PLEASE just say F*CK!


Jack: Live fast, die young, and leave a pretty corpse. That's what I always say.

Adam: Please say something else.


Ryan: Life gets so much better once you accept yourself for the weird little b*tch that you are.


Adam, holding up a picture of Jack and Ryan: Have you seen my brothers?

Ezra: Uh, not since yesterday. Are they missing?

Adam: Oh, no. They're fine. They're baking in the kitchen right now.

Adam: I just want people to look at them. Aren't they perfect?


Ryan: You've been ignoring all of your problems!

Jack: I know.

Ryan: You know that's unhealthy, right?

Jack: I'm ignoring that, too.


Adam: First of all, I'm not boring. Second of all, my vast knowledge of every cartoon in existence is endearing, so f*ck you.


Jack: Trauma? You mean the reason I'm freaking hilarious?


Adam: In light of what you did for me, you can hug me for four to five seconds.


Adam: No, wait! I said four to five! Not forty five!!!!

Jack, already hugging him: TOO LATE.


Ryan: You know what really gets my goat?

Jack: El Chupacabra.


Ryan: See? I told you I was good to drive.

Adam: Dumb*ss, I drove. You sat in the passenger seat and steered with a paper plate.


Jack: I love it when Adam is asleep.

Jack: He looks so peaceful, so happy.

Jack, pulling out a marker: And extremely vulnerable!


Ryan: You know how I roll!

Ryan: And I don't mean that time I fell into a trashcan on top of that hill.


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