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What a boomer is when your life changes forever. That had happened to me now two times in my life. I'm not gonna deep down into them. All you care about is my current situation. I got a scholarship for the most prestigious school at whole Britain: Hogwarts. 

The thing is that I won an essay contest like three years ago and they noticed me, and decided to give me a scholarship. Yeei! Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful. But I wish it wouldn't be when my life was at the best. I wouldn't have mind this, years ago when I was a loner. But now I had friends and I had Dora. Maybe not her anymore.I sight to the window watching the countryside past through my eyes. This freaking school is too far away. And I don't plan that my mom drives me everyday.

"Nervous?" she asks 

"Not at all" it is sarcasm "I'm so excited to be pushed into another school. When I don't know anyone. And nobody knows me. Thrilled!"

Mom rolls her eyes. "Well. I'm glad you are EXCITED. Because we are here"

I stop looking at her to look through the window again. A building that looks like a castle is in front of me. I've never seen a place like this. My mouth swings open. Dorki would've said this must've been taken from a fairly tale. Marly would've laughted and muttered something like 'rich kids' or something. Oh shit. I'm gonna miss my friends.

"Looks good" my mom says. Suddenly my nerves get worse 

"Can we drive back? Please? I don't think I can do this"

Mom takes a cig and lit it. "Do you think I just drove all the way here to drive back? You ungrateful child" 

My mom is like my best friend. I love messing with her.

"Can I take a drag?"

My mom laughs "Nice try"

"I'm stressed!" I protest.

She gives me a kiss on the cheek. "Get out of the car. Now! Remus"

"Are you going to abandond me so soon? I need my mommy" I make a pout.

"Oh now you need me? What about that nonsense of you being a grown up man? Out!" she said practically pushing me. 

I sight and open the door.

"I love you sweety! Have a good first day" she says

I don't wear the uniform. It was too bloody expensive. I mean I'm gonna buy it when I get my payment from my job, but for now, I'm wearing my favorite red cardigan and my beige trousers. I hope I'm suitable for Hogwarts. As I step in I see a lot of teenagers wandering the corridors. They all look at me strangely. I'm pretty sure is not just the fact that I'm not wearing a uniform, but the scars across my face. I'm not gonna tell you how I got them. That's a story for later.Hogwarts is bloody enormous. I get lost in the process. I get to a desserted corridor. When a lad comes running towards me.

"Hey you! Just follow my lead" he says to me. 

All I can see are his grey eyes.


Before I can say anything we hear a male voice yelling. 


A man with grey hair and a bitter expression comes running after the lad. His face is covered in purple painting and he has feathers everywhere. He is furious.

"There you are Black!! I know it was you. I know that you did this" he says pointing to himself. 

The guy next to me tries not to laugh. 

"Mr. Filch. Good morning" he says "What happened to you, sir?"

 "Don't play fool Black. I know it was you and Potter"

The Marauders: A Muggle AUWhere stories live. Discover now