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I call Lily to wish her Merry Christmas. And because I miss her. I miss her voice. 

"Hello?" I voice answer at the other line. 


"No it's Petunia" their voices are very alike but hers is out of sentiment, out of joy. "Is it you Severus? Because I told you she doesn't want to speak to you"

Snivellus? So that stupid wanker has been trying to talk to her?

"It's James actually" I say "Lily's boyfriend?" 

"Oh. Sorry James but she is not here. She went to buy something. Shall I pass her a message?"

I sigh. "No. I guess I'll call her later" 

"Okay. Merry Christmas" she hangs up. 

Stupid Snivellus. What is his deal with my girl? I really fucking hate him. I start hitting the phone against it's base.

"JAMES FLEAMONT POTTER" Mom says "What did the phone did to you?" 

"Sorry Mom" 

"Your second name is Fleamont?" Sirius comes laughing. Shit. "How come I've never found out?" 

"Thank you Mom" I say frustrated

"What? Fleamont is a beautiful name" she says "Now come over boys and help in the kitchen"

"Fleamont?" Sirius whispers smirking.

"Fuck you" I show him my middle finger.

Mom makes us set the table for dinner. Reggie as well. This year is a quiet Christmas. Peter has his therapy and his mother has been kind of stressing him out. Lily has dinner with her sister and her sister's boyfriend. And Remus..

"So why couldn't Remus come?" I ask Pads

"Moony is spending Christmas at his dad's" he says in a bitter tone. "His baby sister was born. And him and his mother were invited there"

"That's why you're so grumpy?" He has been in a bad humor lately.

"The wicked witch 2.0 is with them too" 

"Who?" I ask 

"Nymphadora Tonks. His ex" he cleans a spoon with hate. "What kind of name is that?" 

I smile at his jealousy. It is cute. "Who is the first wicked witch?"

"My mother" 

I laugh

"Sirius, don't say that" Reggie protests

"I am right and you know that" 

Reggie rolls his eyes, shaking his head. I sometimes hear Reggie crying in his sleep, calling for his mother. I feel bad for him. For both of them. My parents are practically their parents. But I know is not the same. 

"You know Remus loves you, right?" I say "Don't be a jelaous freak" 

Sirius sighs "They have history, you know? Is not easy to erase all that" 

I instantly think of Lily and that slimly Snivellus. Is it too difficult to erase everything? I did that with Emmeline. But I guess I didn't care much about her. Is that why Lily can't stop talking about him, worrying about him? Did she love him that much? Does she still love him? Now I'm grumpy as well.

"Besides" Sirius continues "She is perfect. Hot, beautiful, intelligent, with a strong personality, good taste in clothes and music" he sights "She is practically me as a bird" 

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