"Can you please not say that name?" I sighed.

"Okay I'm sorry, Calum seems to be smarter than others," Jay reworded.

"Jay, I love you but, they're all drop outs, none of them are smart," I scoffed.

"Wow thanks," Calum said without a sarcastic tone. "Can we go now?"

"Yeah," I followed Calum out of the room. Well... Almost jay stopped me.

"What about Ashton?" Jay asked.

"What about Ashton?" I questioned.

"You love him still, right? I mean I know the plan to get Luke over you only made things worse, but you need to be happy, is Ashton possibly that way to make you happy?" Jay was desperately trying to get me to forget about Luke and like someone else. It was obvious. I'm glad she cares, but the last thing I need is to like anyone else right now. Especially Ashton. And under no means was I gonna steal anyone from Blair.

"I have to go with Calum now," I didn't answer her question.


(Luke's pov)


That's all I could think about. I loved her, CORRECTION, I love her. I never stopped.

But Janie hates me now.

It's been a week since it all happened, and I still find it nearly impossible for me to comprehend the event.

"Luke," Michael stared at me.

"That's my name, I think," I answered. That's the longest sentence I've said in three days.

"You're bumming me out, a lot," Michael said.

"Okay," I shrugged strumming my guitar again.

"And you need to stop. Some of us actually want to be happy in their lives not just mope around playing three chords on their guitars for a week straight," he explained.

"Then go away."

"No Luke, you need to go away, get out of your shell, meet new people, eat food that isn't Nutella from a jar," Michael told me.

"But Nutella is all I have left to keep me happy," I pouted.

"Luke you still have a band, you'll always have this band. And quite frankly you've been a little bit in the dark about things. The number one rule we had when this band started touring is if girls are that big of a distraction that they may end your career, no relationships! Luke you broke that rule," he told me sternly.

"You said rules are suggestions only weak people follow," I fired back at him.

"Fuck that! Fuck anything I said, ever!"


"Luke you've done nothing but push us all away the second you met Janie, I don't like that. I miss you Luke, I don't care how that sounds, but I miss you and want you back. The Luke I know and love and used to hate in school but now love!" Michael nearly yelled.

"Even you used to hate me," I teared up. "What did I do??"

"Luke that's not the point, at all," he rolled his eyes. "Luke last night was supposed to be my one year anniversary with Jay, but I was here with you all night trying to get you to feel better. If you were easy to hate, I would've brought my girlfriend to a fucking Imagine Dragons concert front row, but I stayed with you. Does that not show any love for you at all?!"

"So now I'm keeping you from your girlfriend???" I sighed.

"You're the definition of impossible!" I've never seen michael this annoyed or upset, in my whole life. Ever.

"Sorry," I looked down at my guitar.


(Janie's pov)

"What was Jay's deal with the whole us thing?" Calum asked as we walked into the store.

"She wants me to like someone and forget about Luke," I sighed. I couldn't say his name without sharp pain in my heart.

"Oh, good!" Calum sighed seeming relieved as we walked towards Guitar/Bass section.


"I thought it was cause you liked me or something, I mean I love you no offense but not in that way, you're like my sister at times you know?" Calum explained.

"I'm aware," I nodded picking up a pack of strings. "I'm getting you three packs cause you're accident prone Mr.Hood."

"That's fair," Calum shrugged at my truthful insult. We approached the counter and Calum seemed deep into thought.


"What about Ashton?" Calum asked.

"No Calum, I'm not going for Ashton as I said to myself the second I fake broke up with him. I'm never going down that road," I sighed.

"Why not?" Calum asked. The lady said the amount we must pay and I gave her the money.

"I don't know maybe the fact one he's my friend, and two he has a girlfriend and they're in deep love!" I rolled my eyes. Calum seemed annoyed by the second fact. "Okay, Calum wake up and get over her already. She's happy."

"Just like you got over Luke? And got over Ashton?" Calum raised an eyebrow taking the change and the bag. We walked out of the store in silence. That answer very much pissed me off, but he wasn't wrong.

"You dated for like two weeks," I tried fighting for why he is wrong even though he wasn't.

"You never even dated Ashton," Calum fired back.

"Fuck you," I mumbled as we walked down the street. The rest stop was a good mile away.

"But other than Blair what's holding you back from Ashton?" Calum asked.

"Luke," I shrugged.

"Then what's holding you back from getting back together with Luke?"

"Ashton," I bit my lip.

"You realize how confusing you are right?" Calum chuckled.


"And what is holding you back from choosing who you actually love?" Calum looked at me. This question was obvious yet I couldn't think of the answer. What was the answer? No one is really holding me back from knowing who I really love and who I'm just infatuated at the moment for then...




It's okay you're supposed to be confused out of your mind right now. If you're not then you payed enough attention to the story to know what the answer is.

So I wanna give a shout out to Thatsoblue for paying crazy attention to any dialogue and the beginning of the story. She figured out thing out that I'm probably spoiling for everyone saying this. Oops.


Who should Janie be with in the end?

Sorry for any spelling errors, I'm tired and I type fast.

Love you!


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