Chapter 17

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(Janie's POV)

I cheered as each of the boys finished their first few songs. Ava, of course, screamed the the loudest out of us three. She WAS more talkative. Luke wasn't all that talkative so I don't see how they're dating.

"Ashton isn't acting himself," Jay pointed out observant.

"Really?" I stared at Ashton for a minute. He was dressed normal but usually he'd be freaking out and screaming things at the crowd excitedly. All he was doing now was sitting on his drum stool observing his big hands. Why was he acting like that? I wasn't really dating him, he didn't even like me, so why did me saying we can stop fake dating affect him so much?

Ashton was a very confusing person. He can easily hide his feeling with a smile and laugh, but you could tell when something is wrong.

I observed as Ashton noticed the three others walking over to his drums to start playing the beginning of their next song. He quickly changed his expression to a big smile and got ready to play his drums. He looked nervously at me and then started playing with the other three. The familiar beat and rhythm started playing and I recognised it easily. She Looks so Perfect.

"Janie?" Ava cut in on me enjoying the song.


"Is this the ONLY 5 Seconds Of Summer song you know?" She laughed.

"No!!" I denied annoyed.

"Yeah okay," She nodded. Okay suddenly I have a reason not to like her.

"Not all of us were there for the before picture Ava," Jay rolled her eyes.

"I understand, but how could she only be all excited at this song?" Ava questioned.

"Cause I'm from America okay? And in this opposite of a fairytale place called America, the first song by 5 Seconds Of Summer released was She looks so Perfect, therefore it's my favorite song because it's the first song I heard by my four favorite people so shut the fuck up," I flipped a bit. Jay and Ava stared at me in aw then both broke out laughing.

"Wow you and Luke have the same low tolerance for being shot down," Ava told me.

"That's why we're friends," I smiled and went back to looking at the band.

Ashton and Luke were looking at me and Ava with the same facial expression. A hurt one. I don't understand why Luke had that face or Ashton but I need to talk to Ash after the show.

"Okay sadly that was our last song, I love you all you beautiful Australians!!" Calum yelled then they ran backstage.

"Oh so that's where we are?" I asked, "That's why it took forever to get Ava?"

"Yes Janie," Jay laughed.

(Luke's POV)

Ashton wasn't being himself. He didn't play drums with all of his heart, he also wasn't as excited as usual.

Did Janie dump him?

I looked at the three girls chatting with a hurt look. That girl, that I was in love with, hurt one of my best friends, and I was STILL in love with her? What's wrong with me??


(Janie's POV)

"Ashton??" I followed the two girls into the boy's dressing room. "Ashton?" I jogged over to Ashton who was laying on the couch staring at his phone texting. Before I could start a conversation someone grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the room.

"Hey!!" I squealed in a panic before I was turned to see Luke. "Luke! What the he-"

"What'd you do to Ashton?"

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