Chapter 29

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(Janie's POV)

The past month Luke and I have been very... Bipolar. We'd be mad at each other but then Luke would be all smiley and sweet to me. It was strange. I felt bad for ignoring it.

"So Blair you know that Diner we used to go to everyday?" Ashton asked.

"Oh yes I do," Blair smiled at the thought.

"Well how would you like to sneak out and go there with me after our show tonight?" Ashton smiled happily.

"I'd love to Ashy," she hugged him pecking his cheek.

I'd kill to have a cute relationship like that. But instead I was hypnotising an amazing guy that every girl on this planet would die to even be friends with. And that killed me. I was tying down an amazing guy who deserves an amazing girl. Not me.

"Lucas?" I suddenly said standing up from the couch of the video game room. "Can I talk to you in private?"

"Of course," Luke nodded following me out of the room as Michael called saying not to have too much fun causing Jay to laugh and slap his arm. Basic relationship things.

We both sat in his bunk and he looked like an abused puppy. It was heartbreaking that my ignoring him made him this sad.

"Luke I'm really sorry," I sighed. "I know that you just got jealous of me caring for Ashton so much, but he's my best friend. I'm also sorry for ignoring you for the past month."

"Don't be, I'm sorry I overreacted," Luke shook his head.

"You're not allowed to apologise, I did the wrong! Let me admit it! You're so annoying with your sugar coding and sweetness, I deserve you to be a total dick to me just for once don't praise me," I nearly yelled.

"You don't deserve a dick boyfriend Janie, you deserve to be treated like a princess."

"Why? What possibly that I've done makes you think that? Luke. I know it's impossible for you to believe but you don't love me. You think you love me, cause I made you think that. But honestly you wouldn't love me in a million years. I'm not good for you Luke, so let me apologize!"

"Janie, you're so insecure! Of course you're good enough for me, in fact you're too good for-"

"LUCAS ROBERT HEMMINGS!" I interrupted him stressed. "You're an amazing guy, you may he the most oblivious to all guy I've met, but Luke I love you! And you don't really love me, please I'm begging you-"

"Janie stop!"

"Just dump me already find another girl! One who you truly love! Please Luke it's for your own good! We only have been dating for a few months!" I cried. "I'm setting you free Luke."

"I won't let you!" Luke shook his head. Damn why'd I ruin him so damn much?? "I love you, even if you say it's not real, I love you right now! I do! I won't move on if you want me to just sit around and mope all day, then fine dump me! But Janie I swear right now you're my world and I refuse to-"

I cut him off by kissing him. One cause he was making me feel bad and two cause he's too damn sweet and I just love him to death. I pulled away and stared at him.

"Luke I love you too, calm down," I smiled. I know we're bipolar right? This is the definition of a bipolar relationship!

"You're the most confusing girl I've ever met," Luke shook his head before pecking my nose. "I love that."


I sat outside the tour bus as Calum used the rest stop. I just needed some fresh air! Being in a small bus with six people and one bathroom isn't as easy as you'd assume. Calum only is using this bathroom cause our plumbing on the bus is the worst.

"What's up?" I got startled by the person I least expected to pop up next to me. Michael.

"Nothing really," I shrugged.

"You know we never really talk, like just us two. It's a bit upsetting," Michael sighed.

"You're right!" I realised. I never noticed that Michael and I weren't even talking let alone friends. "So have you talked to Kristen?"

"Yeah about a month ago, she said got another cat named Beyoncé," Michael explained.

"Only Kristen would," I laughed.

"Yeah," he nodded suddenly unsettle.

"You okay?" I questioned.

"I'm find it's just, this weekend is Jay and I's one year anniversary and I want to make it perfect. I just don't know how," Michael sighed.

"Well Jay seem to really like music, take her to a concert or something. Like her favorite band or someone she has been dying to see," I explained.

"Okay," Michael smiled, "thanks, I'll go look up tickets." He jogged inside just in time for Calum to leave the rest stop bathroom. On the phone?

"But- okay fine... I'll do it... Stop pressuring me.... Bye!" Calum got off the phone stressed.

"You okay cal?" I looked at him concerned.

"No, just..." He took a deep breath.

"Just what?"

"Janie, would you like to go on a date with me? Luke doesn't need to know..."





Sorry most of the update was crappy. And sorry it took so long to write. My last update of this chapter deleted itself. I hate wattpad!

Anywho, what do you think? Who do you ship?

Ashton and Michael are getting romantic with their baes! Yay!

So I got really upset cause my wattpad is acting up, then my phone won't play music (which makes life not worth living with no music), but my crush in school was being flirted with by a pretty blonde at lunch and I started crying in the next class. But what was worse about my Crush situation is he was at his table alone the same time I was alone and I felt like I should've talked to him at that moment. So I feel so stupid!

Anywho enough with my life that you don't care about here's your QOTD:

What are your top five favorite bands? What's your favorite music genre?

I know that's two questions but I felt the need for that!!


Love you!!


No need to fear an update is near!

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