Chapter 24

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(Janie's POV)

"Calum," I sighed. He sat there staring at the floor. "Calum you weren't even dating that long."

"I know, I know," Calum nodded. "It's just, I haven't had a girlfriend in a while and I feel kind of rejected." He shrugged.

"I feel you Cal, my most recent REAL relationship was about four years ago," I patted him on the back. "But you're a great guy Calum, any girl would be lucky to even date you. I'm lucky even to talk to you," I smiled at him.

Calum and I were alone in the video game room. Calum didn't cry over the break up, which made my praise The Lord. But he was a bit depressed about rejection now.

"I'm single, and you're single so-"

"I don't like where this is going," Calum smirked jokingly.

"Hey! I'm a pleasure to date! But no I was gonna say, I'm single, and you're single wanna mingle and eat Pringles?"

"Why not?" He shrugged. Calum was happy again. Thank God! There's few people that if they're sad I feel like the world is crying with them. "Luke's single too you know."

"Yeah you can have him."

"What?" Calum gave me the most confused look.

"You know? A little Cake action? Yeah? No?" I smirked, wiggling my eyebrows.

"As much as I'd be honored," Calum chuckled, "he has eyes for you I believe."

"I know!" I groaned. "And I'm like in love with him, for real!"

"Wow that sucks."

"Thanks I had no idea," I scoffed sarcastically.


"JANIE!" Jay ran over to me nearly out of breath.

"Yes wise Jay?"

We were backstage at the concert boy's. They were in sound check currently leaving us girls to frolic about unsupervised. Cue evil smile.

"You have to date Luke," she explained.

"But Luke doesn't actually-"

"Janie we went over this! The only way that we can get him over you, is for you two to date and then he will eventually let go of the feelings he has for you while under the spell, at least that's what the website said," Jay explained.

"Janie dating him wouldn't make him get over her Jay. I don't know why you trust the internet," Blair but in sitting left of me on the couch while Jay sat on my right.

"Yeah what's with your logic?"

"Everyone wants what they can't have Janie. The whole emotion he has towards you is pain that he wants to date you, once he overcomes that by dating you and holding you, the spell will break off. So I'm gonna set you two up, a date."

"I hate you," I growled.

"Love you too babe!" Jay smirked evilly.

"So I have to do exactly what I told Calum I wouldn't do,"

"If you told him you wouldn't date Luke since Luke doesn't really love you then yeah," Jay nodded. "Calum should be used to lies by now. Right Blair?"

"I'M SORRY OKAY??" Blair yelled out upset. "I know I screwed up please move on!"

"You used him to get to his best friend! How is that forgivable?" Jay rolled her eyes.

"Since when do you care so much about Calum??" Blair asked.

"Since I met him, I don't know forever ago!" Jay snapped back.

"Guys that's enough," I rolled my eyes.

"Then go date Calum then! Cause obviously you'd treat him SOOOO well!" Blair argued.

"Can't! I'm actually dating a guy I actually love!" Jay explained.

"Can you two stop??" I asked.

"What I don't get is why you feel like you must correct me. I make mistakes I know I'm wrong, I deal with that fact. You don't need to rub it in my face that you're perfect and I'm not," Blair sighed.

"Don't you dare call me that word!!" Jay stood up.

"What perfect? I'm sorry little miss perfect!" Blair teased.


"Well then! If I'm so perfect why am I fighting with you?" Jay asked.

"Cause you're a barbie! And that's what they do!" Blair yelped.

"ASHTON THEYRE FIGHTING AGAIN!!" I squealed although he was on stage now.

"We aren't fighting!" Blair argued.

"Yes we are!" Jay scoffed.

"YOU TWO ENOUGH OKAY??" I rolled my eyes.

"Sorry she started it," Blair said.

"Both of you act like three year olds! Say you're sorry both of you!" I demanded.


"Say it!" I repeated.

"I'm sorry I brought it up Blair it's not my business," Jay apologized.

"Sorry I called you a perfect Barbie who corrects me," Blair apologized back.

"Good." I sighed.

Things have been crazy with all the drama, people started fighting over nothing. Literally nothing.

"Once Luke and the boys are back, I ask him out?" I questioned.

"No!" Jay laughed. "He's gotta ask you out."

"Does it matter?" I shrugged.

"Should it matter? No. But does it? To guys it does. They like the feeling they won you over rather than being beaten to popping the question," Jay explained.


"I don't know, it's some stupid guy thing," Blair cut in.

"So once Luke gets in here-"

"Once Luke gets in here what?" Luke asked walking in the room.

"SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I screamed in panic.



So basically, mayhem has been all up in this joint. Absolute craziness. Fighting over stupid things, dramatic moments in general.

And Janie is FINALLY gonna date Luke. Or so you think...

Question of the Day:

If you woke up with Amnesia and only remembered one person, who would that person be and why?

Okay love you all!

Predictions and requests open!


Love you!

No need to fear an update is near!

Voodoo dollNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ