Chapter 19

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(Ashton's POV)

"Ashton! Open up!" Janie yelled from outside the bathroom.

"No I told you earlier I wanna be alone," I sighed.

"No Ashton I seriously need to talk to you," She nearly yelled.

"And I seriously want to he alone," I snapped back.

"Ashton this isn't like you, you are normally so happy, why so sad?" Janie asked then realising the answer to her own question, "Ashton please we need to talk."

"Why don't you go talk to Luke?" I mumbled.

I heard a really loud sigh, "Ashton Fletcher Irwin! Open the god damn door already!"

"Why should I?"

"Cause it's about Blair..." I heard the nervousness in her voice. Blair? Why'd I even tell Janie about Blair in the first place?? Hearing that name and the nervousness in Janie's voice caused a panic in me. I sprang up and opened the door.

"What about her?? Is she okay??" I asked in concern.

"Ashton, don't worry, Blair is perfectly fine. My only question, is will you be?" Janie answered me walking into the bathroom and shutting the door behind her.

"Huh?" I stared at her confused.

"Ashton, Blair has a boyfriend," Janie explained.

"Oh," I put my head down, "I probably should've seen that coming, right? She is an amazing girl that every guy in his right mind would be in love with," I took a deep breath before thinking for a minute. "How does he treat her?"

"Well, I don't know, honestly. But I know the guy is an amazing guy who's not just sweet and funny, but also a very protective person about the people he loves. He knows how to treat a girl Ash, don't worry," Janie pat my back.

"Is he better than me?" I almost whispered.

"Ash, no one is better than you," Janie protested.

"What about Lu-"

"Let's not talk about Luke right now Ashton, this conversation is about you!" Janie cut me off. I was a bit taken back, I'd think at how in love she is with him she'd wanna babble endlessly about his perfections. Guess not. "I'm sorry Ash, I could see how much you love her. How bad it pains you to even think of calling another girl Babe, other than Blair, I'm sorry."

"Well, cause that word reminded how happy Blair made me," I explained bringing my knees up to my chest. "That's why I had an easier time calling you babe when we were dating."

"I make you happy?" Janie just barley smiled. "Wow," I could tell she felt bad about completely rejecting me ealier. "Ash I'm sor-"

"Don't be sorry, if you don't like me you don't like me no big deal," I flashed a small reassuring smile at her.

"Stop being so nice! You're just making me feel worse!" Janie yelled. I looked at her confused before she took a deep breath. "Ashton..."


"Blair is dating someone you know, but I don't want you to get mad at him. He didn't know you dated her okay?"

"Who?" I stiffened nervously.

"Calum," She nervously said quietly.

"Calum? Calum Hood? The bassist in my band?? One of my best friends??" I couldn't believe my ears, Calum was dating the first girl I truly loved.

"I'm sorry Ashton."

"Stop apologising for things you can't control," I told Janie stressed.



Maybe she can control somethings...


Just one little doll, make Calum dump her!

No! Ashton! You care about them both, don't even think about it anymore!

Must use...

Don't even say it!!

....Voodoo doll

"Whatcha thinking about?" Janie met my gaze and asked me worried.

"I just..."

"Just what?" She asked concerned.

"Do you still have those Voodoo Dolls with you?" I asked calmly.

"Hell no!"

"Good, they're dangerous," I responded while I was really just thinking DAMMIT.

"I know," Janie answered raising an eyebrow thinking to figure me out. Then her jaw dropped. "ASHTON FLETCHER IRWIN! I thought you cared about both Calum and Blair!" She scolded.

"I do! I just... It was a thought," I sighed feeling guilty.

"I know that feeling," Janie nodded understand. She stood up and reached her hand out, "Shall we?"

"Shall we what? Janie you're my ex," I reminded her.

"Friends can't help each other up then walk out of a bathroom like bosses together?" Janie questioned.

"You're so weird," I chuckle and got up. Keeping my grip on Janie's hand just to see if she notices. We walked out of the bathroom causally holding hands still.

"Ashton I know we're still holding hands," She laughed after about a minute of us wandering the halls.

Luke, probably not noticing our hands, ran over to us and nudge himself in between. "So you two friends now?" He asked.

"Besties," Janie answered giggling.

"Do besties hold hands?" He gave us each a look.

"Uhm yeah DUH Luke!" Janie laughed, letting go of my hand and skipping into the dressing room. Me and Luke sighing at the same time watching her.

"You still like her don't you Irwin?" Luke smirked.

"You like my ex while you still have a girlfriend and I'm the bad guy?" I turned it around on him.

"I know," Luke sighed.




Sorry it was short.

I'm sorry world for everything I do!!

I'm sorry Luke!

I'm sorry Michael!

I'm sorry Calum!

I'm sorry Ashton!

I'm sorry Australia!

Im sorry Jesus!

Anywho!! I have exciting news!!

I've decide that since I love my readers so much, and I love having them involved in my stories but I can't involve everyone. I, Sky, decided to started writing.... *Drum roll* imagines!

Yay! I'll post it later! But I'm so excited to get my readers involved finally! Send me a message or comment if you want to have an imagine. Just request a boy and give me a short description of yourself. The story will be on my page. Okay?

Love you all!


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