Chapter 34

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(Janie's pov)

"You wanna go shopping or anything?" Jay asked me interrupting my game of Black Ops.

"I'm busy," I replied not taking my eyes off the tv screen. I didn't see her but I could tell she was giving me the most confused look ever.

"Since when do you play video games?" Jay questioned. I never played video games here unless someone made me.

"Since I was seven," I shrugged, "Dammit! Why'd you save me?! Cause I'm a girl?!" I yelled into my headset, then nuking some random guy, who may or may not of been on my side.

"Then why'd you just kill someone who just saved you?" Jay laughed.

"I don't trust anyone. AND I don't need help cause I'm a girl." For the next few minutes someone was cursing me off through my headset until it was ripped off my head and the tv was unplugged. "HEY!" I yelled looking at Jay.

"You need to socialize!" Jay argued.

"Jay, I hope you realize that I was talking to more people through my headset just now than I have in my whole life," I rolled my eyes.

"Why are you suddenly into video games anyway?"

"I've always liked them, I just get way too competitive so I try to suck around the guys to they let me win," I smirked.

"Smart girl!" Jay high-fived me.

"Thanks, it works best on Ashton cause if you really suck he will suck on purpose just enough so I can beat his ass," I explained.

"Why not hang out with Ashton then? You two get along well," Jay asked.

"He's out with Blair, again," I shrugged.

"Yeah that couple gets weird," Jay laughed.

"They're cute, Ashton's happy, Blair's happy, I like it."

"You're such a softy for Ashton's happiness."

"I'm highly aware, deal with it!" I laughed as Calum walked in with his bass and sat next to me.

"Janie, I broke the string again..." Calum smiled guilty.

"Seriously? How do you keep doing this, these strings are so thick!" I facepalmed.

"I don't know! It just happens randomly," Calum shrugged.

"Okay fine I'll be ready in ten minutes we'll walk to the music store, again."

"Wait hold up!" Jay stopped me. "When did you two become a thing?"

"We aren't a thing!!" Calum denied before I even processed Jay's question.

"I mean like friends Calum," Jay corrected.

"A while, I've just been busy with... People... So I haven't been around in anyone's life much," I shrugged.

"Just to clarify, we will never be a thing!" Calum said.

"Well, Janie you're really pretty, and Calum... Is a guy, so I'm sure eventually one of you will feel a thing," Jay winked.

"That's like incest!!" I scoffed.

"What's incest?" Calum pondered.

"Like you dating Mali," I nearly laughed at the image.


"At least he's smarter than Luke," Jay shrugged obviously trying to get me into Calum. I know she was just attempting to get my mind off of Luke and onto another guy. I get it.

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