Chapter 40

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(Janie's pov)

I slept most of the plane ride. What else was I going to do? I loved sleeping more than I loved living reality.

I was told many times, the best thing is when you wake from the best dream ever, and you are smiling because reality is just as good, if not better than your dreams.

Jeez how I wish I knew how that felt... Actually I did.

Luke and Ashton.

Yes I said this a million times how what he have isn't real. But I love him, and being around him was a dream that I lived. But at the end of the day when I think over the truth, it's a nightmare.
And then there was Ashton, there for me when I needed him, even when I didn't want his help, he was there. That's the friend anyone would hope to have.

"Excuse me" a small boy next to me tapped my shoulder. Breaking my chain of thought. I looked at him, he has crazy dark blonde hair and the biggest smile on his face.

"Yes?" I smiled back at him.

"Is your hair really purple?" He asked.

"Well, no I dyed it purple," I assured him.

"Ohhhh! What's that mean?"

"It means I put paint in my hair to change it's color," I explained.

"So I can put paint in my hair and it makes my hair turn colors?" The little boy asked in the most amazed voice.

"Well, it's special hair paint. And yes you can, if you're allowed to by your Mom."

"Oh no!" The boy covered his face.

"Is everything okay?" I asked concerned.

"My Mom would never say yes to hair paint," he uncovered his face pouting.

"I'm sorry, but I wasn't allowed to until I was 18 and moved out," I pat his back.

"But I can't wait that long! My friend Micha is triple dog daring me to have green hair, I can't do it!" The boy nearly yelled. I laughed slightly. "And I don't like letting down a friend."

"It's okay uhm... What's your name?"

"Asher," The boy smiled.

"Okay Asher, well you remind me a lot of this boy I know, he's so into making everyone happy, sometimes he forgets what would make him happy," I told him. I was dying on the inside. I swear this was all some twisted dream, that Mini Ashton named Asher is telling me about Micha who wants him to dye his hair. This couldn't be real.

"Okay so I shouldn't dye my hair?" Asher asked.

"Not if you don't want to," I nodded.

"Well, I like my hair," the boy pet his hair. "So no I don't want to."

"Then don't," I smiled.

"You're really pretty," Asher stared at me.

"Thank you Asher you're too sweet."

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Asher asked curiously not creepily, he was only like seven. But I didn't know the answer to this... I know Luke and I kissed before I left and he gave me a penguin, be we weren't dating, right?

"I did, we just broke up recently," I sighed honestly.

"That's suckish, why would he leave you?"

"I left him actually..." I said awkwardly.

"But your tone sounded like you were still in love with him?" Asher asked confused.

"I am!"

"Then why'd you leave him?" Asher sounded disappointed. This was definitely a dream, I wasn't really talking to a seven year old about dating was I? Seven year olds don't even know what love is!

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