Chapter 25

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(Janie's POV)

"It's not my birthday," Luke laughed, "My birthday is in July not December Janie."

"Oh! Gosh Dangit!" I snapped my fingers pretending to be disappointed.

"Janie, you're the world's worst liar, what's going on here?" Luke asked.

"Actually Janie is a great liar..." Blair said.

"Not as good as you Blair!" Jay added.

"Listen I-"

"Can you two stop already??" I rolled my eyes. "Can Luke and I be alone for a minute?" I took a deep breath as the two girls left the room to go find their boyfriends. I locked the door behind them and sat on the couch. Gesturing Luke to sit next to me.

"Is everything alright?" He questioned nervously.

"Of course," I smiled reassuringly, "I just like being alone with you. I wanna just talk to you," I shrugged.

"I like being alone with you too," Luke smiled at me, me ever so slightly moving closer to him.

"Do you miss Ava?" I asked with that being the first question popping into my mind.

"A bit I guess, she was really sweet. I just, I feel bad for using her like I did," He sighed.

"We live in a world where people use one another, and like who they shouldn't for the wrong reasons. You just have to push through that world and make your own perfect world I guess," I shrugged.

"So if I'm making a perfect world," Luke bit his lip holding a chuckle back, "Can it have penguins?"

"How'd I know you would say that? Of course Luke," I giggled. Why'd I giggle?

"Okay and another thing really important, can Kurt Cobain come back to life in it?"

"We can try!"

"And the last thing I'd need to make my own world that's perfect..." Luke bit his lip.

"Yes?" I stared at him.

"I'd need the most beautiful and wonderful girl in the universe to be my girlfriend," he stared back at me, "Will you?"

I blushed and nodded. Luke was really incredibly sweet, no wonder he left such a mark on my heart. The bad part is, I left no real mark on his.

"Really?" His eyes widened.

"Yes Luke, I want to be your girlfriend," I laughed at his cute reaction.

"Why?" He looked confused.

"Cause I've liked you since the day I met you, I was just too scared to ruin things between us. Until now," I pecked him on the lips. He blushed, which was adorable, guys don't usually blush or they hide the fact that they are blushing. Luke stood up and pecked my lips back then unlocked the door running out of the room.

"JANIE's MY GIRLFRIEND!!!" He screamed running around back stage.

I laughed, how on Earth was I even lucky enough to meet this boy? He's literally the greatest person who walked into my life. Other than my Mom of course, she's the one who carried me around in her for nine months.


"Janie!" I heard someone call from another room in the bus.

I was currently leaning my head on Luke's chest while I watched him and Michael play endless video games. Luke was obviously losing cause cmon no one beats Michael.

"Can we play on a team together?" Jay asked Michael. He smiled and nodded before placing Jay on his lap and the couple held the controller together. They were really adorable.

"Hey where's Janie?" Ashton asked while walking in the video game room hand-in-hand with Blair. I smiled at the couple and ran over to them.

"I'm right here," I smiled hugging Ashton and Blair in a group hug. Luke looking at me hugging Ash and sighing. I let go and looked at the two. "What's up?"

"Can I talk to you alone please?" Ashton looked serious, I hated his serious face. I mean I always love his face, but I like when he's happy more than anything else not serious.

"Sure," I shrugged.

Blair went and sat next to Calum on the couch. "Hey," she barley smiled probably still feeling guilt. "Sorry."

"Hey and I'm fine now Blair don't worry, cuddle?" Calum put his arms out for a hug.

I smiled and left the room with Ashton. Next thing I know I'm in a closet. "What's with people and talking to me in closets?" I laughed.

"It's more private," Ashton shrugged.

"So what's up Ashster?" I sat down in the closet. Thankful there was nothing in here but Ashton and I.

"Ashster?" He chuckled.

"What did you want to talk about??"

"Oh yeah. You're dating Luke??" Ashton asked.

"Yeah, Jay had a plan that-"

"Does she know?" Ash cut me off.

"Voodoo doll?"

"Yeah those, does she know what you did to Luke?" He pondered.

"Yeah. She researched it and found out that-"

"She trusted the internet? Who does that?" He cut me off again.

"Cute that's what your girlfriend said," I laughed.

"Aw we think so in sync," Ash smiled.
"So you're dating Luke cause Jay found something on the internet saying if you date Luke he will get over you?" Ashton asked.

"Well saying that the reason Luke is in love with me, is cause I gave him the feeling of want. Wanting to date me, wanting to kiss me, right? So after he gets what he wants he will move on completely," I explained.

"I still think it's just gonna make things worse," Ashton shook his head not believing the story.

"It's worth a try, I guess."

"What happens if it only makes matters worse?" Ashton wondered.

"Then I'll have to tell Luke the truth and leave," I sighed.




So basically Janie and Luke are a thing now. But if the plan doesn't work and Luke isn't over Janie eventually she'll have to tell him the truth.

Luke still thinks Janie likes Ashton more though. So that may cause a few issues later on.

Okay it is time!!

If you could wake up as any member of 5 Seconds Of Summer who would it be?

Yes I ask strange questions!
But I'm a weird person so.

I'm still gonna do questions for each person so if you'd like to ask any of the following a question, ask it on their name okay? Okay!

Ashton, Michael, Calum, Luke, Jay, Blair, Ava, Janie, a Penguin.

Okay question it up loves!!


Love you!

No need to fear an update is near!

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