Chapter 4

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(Kristen's POV)

Janie has been acting a bit strange these past few weeks. I guess it's the new place, I don't know. She's been hiding away in her room ever since the second day. Every time I walk into her room she shuts her laptop right away and zips up her purse. I know she's hiding something and it's annoying me a bit how she acts like it's nothing.

"Janie! What are you hiding?" I asked for the tenth time this week.

"I'm not hiding shit Kristen," Janie said defensively.

"Really? Show me your purse then," I crossed my arms.

"Fine," she picked up her purse, "Look a purse!" She gestured at the purse. I remained staring at her with my arms crossed.

"If you don't want to tell me, don't tell me then," I sighed walking out of her room.


(Janie's POV)

Kristen has really been up in my shit lately. Ever second of the day she's asking what I'm hiding. I refuse to tell her about the dolls. She's so funny for thinking I'd actually tell her. When I have secrets I keep them. No matter what.

I was up researching some information about voodoo dolls. Apparently if I am having feelings about a person while holding their voodoo doll, they'll feel it too. Freaky huh? That explains why when I was thinking of Luke being here that time he came to the door. There's a lot more to these things than I thought. They hurt physically AND emotionally. Who knew?

My phone started ringing. I smiled knowing exactly who it is.

"Hey Hemmo!" I answered.

"Hey, Janie, what are you doing?" Luke asked.

"Nothing, you?"

"Well, we are recording now but maybe after, I was hoping we could do some thing. Maybe?" Luke suggested.

"Of course, I'd love to," I smiled, thankfully he couldn't see the excitement inside my head. No Luke and I weren't dating yet. We just met a few weeks ago. But he was absolutely adorable and sweet and I did really like him. So I wouldn't mind dating him.


"Hey Janie? Janie? You alive?" I heard a voice say. My eyes immediately opened.

"Hey Luke," I yawned. "Wait did I fall asleep?"

"You were asleep so I guess you did," Luke shrugged.

"So you want to hang out I take it?" I asked sitting up. Not realising I'm sitting on my purse.

"Yeah, what do you want to- OWWW!" He held his arm.

"What's wrong?"

"I just got this sharp needle like pain in my arm," Luke explained.

"Oh sorry," I apologised getting off my purse and searching for the Luke doll. Was I hurting him?! I saw that a pin from my purse just went through the Luke doll's arm. I quickly pulled it out if his arm as I saw the real Luke sigh in relief.

"It's gone now," he smiled, "where you wanna go?"

"We could just stay here and watch a movie or something," I suggested.

"Okay," Luke nodded, "What movie?"

"Pitch Perfect? That's one of my favorites."

"Sure," Luke shrugged.


We sat watching Pitch Perfect on complete different sides of the room. Which bummed me out a little bit. I honestly, liked Luke and wanted him to sit with me and watch it, maybe cuddle a little. What am I saying?! We are just friends! For now...

I reached my hand to my purse and made held the Luke doll, thinking about my feelings for Luke. Then suddenly, Luke walked over to my bed. "Can I sit over here with you?"

"Of course," I smiled. He put his arm around me. I let go of the doll and pulled my hand out of my purse smirking.

Having these dolls may be a good thing after all!


Hope you like it so far! Vote! comment!

Xoxoxo! Love you!

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