Chapter 23

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(Janie's POV)

The next three weeks after the incident I haven't talked to Luke. I couldn't. I felt really bad, like insanely bad. More like as if I just murdered a penguin family bad!!

Luke thinks he loves me. And may never get over me. And that's MY FAULT!

I stared at the floor while trying to call Ava and apologise. I've done this every day since she left the tour last week. Ava was gonna stay until we reached Sydney again, but she couldn't stand being around Luke, more like me, for that long so she just left in the middle of the night while we were in a rest stop.

The good news is Luke was single... NO SHUT UP JANIE!!!

The phone kept ringing and eventually went to voicemail. I rolled my eyes at the beep.

"Hey Ava, I just wanted to apologise for what happened. I was really hoping we could've been friends but I guess not now," I bit my lip and hung up.

"No answer again?" Calum asked sit on the bunk next to me.

"Nope," I shook my head. Then a light bulb went off. "Calum! Give me your phone!" At first he looked at me strangely.

"Okay here you go?" He handed me his iPhone as I dialled Ava's number. It wasn't long before she answered.

"Calum?" She asked from the other line.

"So you were just ignoring me!!" I broke out saying.

"Who's this?" Ava questioned from the other line.

"Janie, I'm sorry I broke you and Lu-" I was cut off by her hanging the phone up. "Wow, okay," I sighed handing Calum his phone back.

"Morning peoples!" Blair smiled jumping into my bunk.

"Morning babe," Calum wrapped his arms around her from behind and pecked her cheek. Blair immediately looked uncomfortable, but Calum didn't notice.

"Ava refusing to talk to you still?" Blair asked changing the subject.

"Yep," I nodded. "This is why no ones nice in this world, why people lie, why people bully each other, cause niceness and honesty gets no respect back," I sighed.

"Aw I know, it sucks," Blair agreed. She looked at Calum "Hey can you give Janie and I a moment? Pwease?"

"Sure," he sighed trying to hide the fact that Blair and I constantly being secretive bothered him. Calum let go of Blair and walked over to another bunk waking up whoever was in it.

"What do I do??" We both said in unison.

"Sorry what?" Blair looked at me confused.

"Never mind you go first," I laughed.

"What am I supposed to do? I feel really bad about Calum," Blair sighed fidgeting with her fingers. "It seemed smart at the time, now I just feel like an idiot."

"Blair, you're not an idiot," I pat her back and hugged her. "Everyone makes stupid decisions because they love someone."

"Like?" Blair looked up at me as if expecting examples.

"Me! Did I ever tell you all the things I do because I was in love with Luke? I made him fall in love with me with a voodoo doll. Then I fake dated Ashton for months to try and get Luke over me, all I could've done was exactly what I'm doing now, let it be how it is," I shrugged. "I realised love that's meant to be will happen without stupid dolls or trying to get people over you, these things happen without you making them if that's how it's meant to be."

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