Chapter 9

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(Janie's POV)

"Ashton told me!" Luke walked in my room picking up the Luke doll.

"Told you what?" I asked innocently.

"You're toying with my emotions huh?"

"Luke I-"

"How could you???" Luke yelled.

"Luke let me explain-"

"There's nothing to explain," he laid his doll back on the bed. "I thought you actually cared about me, that we had something special going on. But I guess it was all a lie wasn't it Janie?" He bit his lip quickly by his piercing and stared at me expectantly.

"Luke! I do care, I tried to stop but I got too jealous of you around everyone! I couldn't handle the thought of being just a friend to you," I sighed.

"So it wasn't even enough to be friends, we NEEDED to be more," he raised an eyebrow looking really pissed but with no raise of his voice.

"No it was I just-"

"Just what?" He cut me off.

"Just... I couldn't stand sitting here being in love with you and I'm just a person you hang out with when you're bored, I needed to feel like I actually mattered to you," I admitted.

"You do matter!! Well, at least I thought you did, I may of thought nothing of you or I could've been in love with you. But I guess we'll never know," he sighed biting his lip again, walking out of the room.

"Luke wait!" I grabbed his arm.

"Wait for what? Wait for you to use the doll and make me love you again?"

"No! Luke I stopped using it," I informed him.

"That's the thing about stuff like this, you may of used it just this morning or you may of not used it in a month, but you still used it, and you already screwed things up. Just like smoking, you do it and you mess up your lungs, once you stop that doesn't mean your lungs heal right away, they're still pretty messed up," Luke sighed. "Goodbye Janie!" And like that he was gone. I was a smoker and I messed up my chance of having perfect lungs. Damn it cigarettes, or this actual case, voodoo dolls.

"LUKE!!" I screamed, wanting him to come back. "DON'T LEAVE ME!"


(Kristen's POV)

I heard screaming. Loud screaming. I was trying to sleep and all I heard was yelling and screaming, stupid neighbors.

"LUKE!!!!" I heard someone scream. It sounded a lot like Janie. "DON'T LEAVE ME!" It was Janie.

I rolled my eyes and got out of bed. She always talked in her sleep and it either scared the crap out of me or gave me a headache.

I walked out of my room with the cold wood floor for the hallway waking up my tired feet. Then entered Janie's room.

"Janie," I whispered shaking her.

"Luke?" she mumbled back.

"No wake up!" I tried to hide the laugh from escaping my mouth. She opened her eyes and there were tears in them. "What happened?"

"Nightmare?" She answered more of a question. "Thank god."

"What happened?" I asked curious to why she was so relieved it was a nightmare.

"I don't remember..." She lied unconvincingly, but I was tired and didn't want to force it out of her now so I just nodded and went back to my room to sleep.


(Janie's POV)

"I don't remember..." I lied not wanting to explain it. Kristen just nodded and left to her room.

I was wide awake now so I decided to grab my laptop and go through the inter-webs. I came across keek and decided to check it out. That's where I saw the 5 Seconds Of Summer boys. Calum especially, he has loads of keeks. I decided to watch the most recent one.

Calum appeared on the screen with Ashton and Michael in the background. Ashton was being all smiley and bubbly on his phone and Michael was concentrated on a video game.

"This is what we do on our tour bus," he pointed the camera around revealing the group all doing there own things, "And this is what Luke does" he pointed the camera to a Luke on his phone typing while cuddling a penguin. I couldn't help but smile and let out a giggle. He was so adorable. How could I hurt someone like that? Who was cuddling with a stuffed penguin. Then Calum took the penguin and began running. The keek ended.


By the time I was done with my web surfing, it was time to get my arse out of bed.

I literally flopped on the floor, ready for my day. Try not to think about using the you know what on the you know who. In fact I am going to stay away from Luke until my feelings dissolve. So forever.


(Luke's POV)

"C'mon you two didn't even kiss yesterday," Michael complained.

"That's cause they aren't dating," Ashton butt in chuckling before I could respond.

"Yes! Thank you Ashton," I sighed relieved that someone on this bus listens.

"I got your back," he smiled patting me on the back.

I think it must be hard to be Ashton, he's so nice to everyone and is always so happy and bubbly all the time. I wish I could be like that sometimes. He's so innocent, which I find a bit funny cause he's oldest. But Mike would crack a naughty or dirty joke and Ashton would make that face that a five year old makes when you swear in front of them.

Calum has his tattoos and his butt all over the internet. Michael has his hair dyed and piercings and tattoos. I have my lip pierced. Then you have our drummer where his ripped shirts are honestly the only crazy thing about how he looks. Otherwise he looks like the good spirited drummer he is. It's really hard not to be cheery around him.

The best thing about Ashton, in my opinion, he'd never keep anything from us three. He told us every thought that goes through his mind, which is absolutely incredible.

Ashton looked a bit uncomfortable after a few minutes. "You okay?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"LUKE I HAVE TO TELL YOU SOMETHING!" Ash blurted out, I could tell he regretted it a second after he said it. "It's about Janie..."




Sorry the update took so long.

My dog passed and I was quite busy lately.

Hope you like it!

Sorry if it's boring!

Do you think Ashton is gonna spill or say never mind?!

How will Luke feel?

Vote! Comment!

Love you guys!!


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