Chapter 42

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(Janie's pov)

"Do you want pizza?" Kristen offered. Again.

"I told you no, I don't want any food," I sighed staring at my ceiling.


"I'm not hungry," that wasn't a lie, I haven't been in the mood for food all week.

"Dude you're being ridiculous!" Josh added. He wouldn't stop coming over since I met him.

"What's ridiculous? I'm a small skinny teenage girl with a stomach smaller than your head, why is it so hard to believe I don't want food??" I rolled my eyes.

"Because you usually are as hungry as a forty year old fat man who hasn't eaten all day," Kristen explained.

"Maybe my metabolism changed, it has been a while that I've been on tour," I shrugged. It's food, why are they making such a big fat ass deal about it? I'm not cutting my head off!

"You're depressed," Josh told me. By this moment Kristen wasn't in the room anymore. Probably with her cats or whatever.

"I am not depressed! What would make you think that??" I scoffed.

"Because," Josh sat at the foot of my bed. "First off, denial is a sign of depression..."

"And what's a sign I'm not depressed? Saying I am depressed?? Oh you're right I am depressed, even though there's no reason to be depressed. And since I said I am, I'm not right?" I mocked.

"Janie, I may have not known you before the tour. But I don't think it's normal for a girl to break down crying over a band she was just on tour with, then refusing to eat, and being all grumpy and upset," Josh said.

"I miss them okay? That's all! I'm not depressed, I'm not in denial because I'm not depressed. I'm just trying to get myself comfortable back living in a house, not a bus," I told him.

"Yeah okay," Josh coughed.

My phone beeped and I looked at it with brightened up eyes.

"Who's this?" Josh smirked, taking my phone.

"I don't know! I couldn't see the name! Give it!" I got up and reached for the phone.

"Nope, I wanna see this message," Josh looked at the name. "Who's kaylem? Your boyfriend?"

"It's Calum first off! And no he's not my boyfriend! He's my friend now give me my goddamn phone before I kill you! I have goddamn voodoo dolls and I will not hesitate to use them!" I yelled standing up on my bed trying to reach his height to grab my phone.

"Really? You're gonna kill me? Janie, threats are a sign of depression too," Josh explained. He didn't say anything about the dolls I brought up?

"No idiot threats are a sign that you're gonna be decapitated soon," I growled.

"Damn, you're dark!" Josh looked kinda insulted.

"Josh give me my phone! These people mean the world to me and they're on the other side of the world! Please just let me enjoy talking to this guy for one damn minute or I'll kill myself and let you watch every horrible moment of it," I didn't notice I was starting to cry until a tear dropped from my chin. "Please?"

Josh looked sorry and at the same time a bit nervous. My tone was dead serious and he thought I was depressed so the thought I may actually do that probably scared the shit out of him. "Here," he sat on the bed and handed me the phone. I sniffled and sat on the floor unlocking my phone. It broke my heart.

7:43pm from Calum:
Luke really misses you. He wrote your name on his acoustic guitar. He's worn nothing but Blink-182 tees for two weeks because he knows how much you love Blink-182. He's not getting any better, and I'm assuming you're just getting worse. I think you need to come back to him. He really misses you, and he really does love you. I hate seeing Luke like this. Please? Please? pleasee!

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