Chapter 28

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(Luke's POV)

"Janie why are you so upset?" I questioned. Why'd I bring up Ashton in the first place?? It's obvious she's been in love with him this whole time.

"Cause Ashton deserves respect!" Janie said annoyed.

Don't we all? What about the garbage man? He deserves respect but I don't see you flapping your jaws in sympathy for him!

"I know I know," I sighed.

"You don't know you're the lead singer, drummers get zero respect, they're the backbone to the whole band but NOPE don't respect him," Janie continued ranting. "Ashton is a wonderful, kind, caring-"

"I get it Janie," I cut her off. I thought for a minute, "Are you only dating me cause Ashton isn't available? Cause he's not begging for your love?"

"What are you talking about??" Janie nearly snapped.

"Don't pretend you're not in love with Ashton," I scoffed.

"I'm not!" Janie nearly yelled.

"Sure you aren't," I mumbled.

"Luke why have you become such an ass hole? You've been so sweet but the second I talk to Ashton, the second I fake date him-"

"I'm not being an ass hole Janie. It's not my fault that my girlfriend seems to care more about my friend than me!" I argued.

"Well sorry, most guys like when his girlfriend cares about his friends," Janie crossed her arms.

"Well this isn't fucking America Janie! This is Australia," I explained.

"Wow really? Thanks! I'm glad I can count on you to state the obvious!" Janie stood up. The girls who took pictures with Luke before staring me down.

"You two are in love with an idiot!" She scoffed, "AND SADLY, so am I!"

That's when Janie, the girl I've been after for almost a year now, walked away.


(Janie's POV)

Honestly, I didn't know why I got so mad at Luke. He wasn't wrong for thinking what he thought, but yet again I wasn't either. One of those situations where everyone was right with their opinions they just were communicated harshly. I did still like Ashton. I honestly did. I have liked him for a while. No idea when it started, but all I knew was, I was on a date with Luke and I needed to get out of it.

"So you like cursed him off?" Jay questioned amused. "In public."

"I never finished my food too!" I sighed pretending that's what my mind held.

The second I left the small cafe, I went right on the bus to Jay's bunk. She was my new Ashton, minus that fake dating and crush of course. I mean like my new best friend I tell everything to.

"Well do you?" She questioned.

"Do I what?"

"Like Ashton?? Don't tell Blair but I ship it!!" Jay smirked.

"No..." I bit my lip obviously lying.

"Oh my god! You dirty little girl," Jay shook her head.

"He's in love with Blair, the girl he's waited his whole life to get back together with. There's no way I'd separate that. I just got a little... Annoyed... You know? Ashton is such a great guy, such a dedicated talented drummer and he gets no respect for it," I shrugged.

"He loves it, he doesn't need a pat on the back," Jay corrected me.

"Of course he needs it! Everyone loves a pat on the back," I argued.

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