Chapter 14

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(Ashton's POV)

I woke up on the bus, unsure of how I even got here. But even more confused as to why Janie was in the bunk next to mine.

"Morning!!" Michael chuckled walking over to my bunk.

"What's Janie doing on our bus? I'm pretty sure this isn't a safe place for her to be," I questioned Michael.

"Why would it be an unsafe place? We aren't rapists here!"

"Yeah I'm aware," I chuckled, "She just... She wouldn't want to be around Luke, she's a bit upset with him."

"Why?" Michael pondered

"Why does it matter?"

"Cause I want to know," he shrugged.

"Why you all up in his grill Mike?" Calum asked walking over to my bunk as well.

"How'd we even get here?" I ignored Calum's casual comment.

"Well you two were at the movies still and you were asleep on the sidewalk for some reason so me and Jay just brought you here," Michael explained.

"Where is Jay anyway?"

"Sleeping," Michael chuckled.

"Ashton you're so irresponsible, falling asleep outside a movie theatre, Janie could've gotten hurt!" Luke cut in.

"Janie could've got hurt? Glad you care about me Hemmo," I chuckled. "Luke I thought you were over her?" I stood up and walked over to him.

"Uhm...I am... But that doesn't mean I don't care about her safety."

"No Luke I think you're in love with Janie still," Michael objected.

"I have a girlfriend, and we are picking her up for the tour later," Luke argued.

"Luke, can I talk to you alone?" Calum sighed looking serious. It was unusual for him to want a serious talk, I could tell that Calum was not buying the idea that Luke was over Janie.


(Janie's POV)

"I have a girlfriend and we're picking her up for the tour later," I heard Luke's voice annoyed. Great!

Wait what? Where am I?

I looked around the bunk I was in. Please tell me this isn't 5 Seconds Of Summer's tour bus! Please!

"Luke can I talk to you alone?" Calum's voice spoke. The sound of two pairs of feet walking out of the room was all I heard.

Luke's gone? Okay good coast is clear.

I popped my head out immediately seeing Ashton and Michael staring at me.

"What am I doing here?" I asked a bit annoyed.

"We kinda fell asleep on the sidewalk and Michael brought us both here," Ashton explained.

"Lovely," I rolled my eyes sarcastically.

"You heard Luke didn't you?" Ash sighed.

"Why would that matter?" Michael butt in.

"Yeah I heard some of it, his girlfriend is being picked up for tour today," I nodded, acting completely unaffected for Michael's sake.

"You want to talk alone?" Ashton questioned me.

"Why would I? There's nothing to talk about," I shrugged and started to walk off the bus.

"I wouldn't open that door!" Michael grabbed my arm stopping me.

"I'm not allowed to go home?" I shot him a confused look.

"Well, the bus is moving so you'd probably get sucked under the bus if you get out," Michael chuckled.

"What? Where are we?? How long have we been driving??" I panicked.

"Since nearly midnight last night," he replied. I quickly looked at the clock.

"I'm 10 hours away from home??" I bit my lip.

"Calm down Janie, Ashton's here," Mike pat my back as I sat back in the bunk I slept in.

"So is Luke," I mumbled.

"Yeah he is, sorry," Ashton sighed.

"Why does it bother you that Luke's here so much?" Michael asked confused.

"It's complicated," was all I could say.


(Luke's POV)

Calum knew. I know that Calum knows! He's the hardest person for me to trick.

"Luke, tell me, are you over Janie?" Calum crossed his arms.

"No," I sighed staring at the ground.

"Then why pretend you are?"

"Because," I bit my lip, "She's dating Ashton, it would be wrong to like her."

"But you do anyway, you just lie to Ashton and say you're over her when you're not. It's just as bad cause either way, you still like her Luke," Calum lectured.

"I'm aware," I sighed.

Calum never really got this serious UNLESS I was trying to hide something from the boys. That's when he would talk to me like this. It's strange cause I can't really take him seriously at most times.

"Luke, it scares me you're going through this much trouble over a girl."

"I don't really understand it. I mean I know she's amazing, but I don't get how I could feel this way so easily, it's like... Like..."

"Like what?" Calum raised an eyebrow.

"Like I'm trapped under a spell or something."




So Luke tells Calum that he DOES still love Janie. Which was pretty obvious if I'm being honest.

But, Janie also has to go on your with 5 Seconds Of Summer, who remember Luke is in. AND Ava is coming on tour too!


Jay is joining in as well but hey she's not part of the love triangle that Luke is in so Jay and Mike will just be playing some video games and eat Nutella while shit goes down.

Calum is still single. You need to be pretty amazing to change that right now.

Tell me any recommendations for a Calum girl and WHY they should have Calum.

Yes I went there!

Anywho! If I don't update again this week just yell at me to update! Okay? Okay!

Anyway, any directioners here?? Cause Fireproof has been making me lose my shit!!! AHHHH!!

Love you all!


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