chapter 45

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(Janie's pov)

I've talked to Luke basically all last week and all of this week. Through we got cut off a lot by interviews he needed to go or someone randomly walking in to talk. But that settled down a bit to mainly just people walking in because he was finally back in his house.

I know it kind of ruins the reason I left. But I couldn't stay away from Luke forever. And I knew that. But calling wasn't the same as being with him.

"What's that?" I smirked staring next to him.

"What do you think?" He held up more stuffed penguins smiling. "I sorta have a collection."

"You sound proud of that, why?" I joked.

"Jee thanks," Luke fake sighed biting his lip. I couldn't be the only one who found his lip biting completely adorable. Everything about Luke to me was adorable. There wasn't any flaw in him that wasn't perfect. And it drove me a bit crazy, Luke was perfect, yet he loved a hot mess like me.

"Wedding is in two days huh?" I thought, technically for the US its in three days, but I had to fly out there tonight so it'll be late night before his wedding day when I get there.

"Yeah, I actually have to dress nice for it, no ripped jeans allowed," Luke rolled his eyes.

"That's depressing," I mopped.

"I wish you were able to come."

"Me too, but Australia is just too far!" I lied. It was far but Ashton was gonna get me there. I didn't want anyone knowing I'd be there, especially not Luke. It's Ashton's and Blairs day, not mine.

"I wish we didn't live so far from each other," Luke rested his head on his hand.

"That's the price we gotta pay," I didn't even know what I meant but screw it.

"Yeah I guess it is," he nodded, but I could tell he was completely confused. "So about this Josh guy..."

"What about him?" I raised an eyebrow.

"How are you two?" He seemed pained to ask.

"I haven't been in work to see him for two days, so I haven't really seen him?"

"Oh," Luke nodded.

"We are not dating if thats what you're thinking," I nearly laughed.

"You aren't??" Luke looked relieved. I smiled, I still love remembering that Luke isn't over me. Because I am certainly not over him at all.

"I'm not dating for a while," I smirked.

"Me neither," he nodded. "Still not over my last relationship."

"Same," I hope he meant me cause that would be embarrassing if he dated someone after me.

"Yeah," was all he said after staring at me dazed for a bit.

But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't staring back. Retaking in all hid features. His bright blue eyes, his hairs peeking out from under his red snapback, the tiny bit of facial hair sprouting on his chin, his thin bright pink lips, the black piercing sitting on his bottom lip, everything. I always found myself admiring him every few sentences we spoke. Not in a creepy way, I just miss being able to see his face without a screen cutting us in between. Or be able to hug him, and not just having to use a pillow for those cold sleepless nights when I just need a cuddle. I miss standing on my tippy toes to kiss him, feeling like a midget. So I enjoyed just sitting there, while we admire each other, some may find it creepy, but I find it as trying to savor seeing his face because the second I hang up, he's thousands of miles away.

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