Chapter 32

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(Luke's pov)

"JANIE?" I called for the hundredth time. Why wasn't she on the bus? Where was she? More importantly why do I have a feeling she's with Calum? I mean I'm fine with her hanging out with my best friend, why would I not be? I just find it strange and weird that she'd be out with Calum and not tell me, either of them.

Was I too worried? Exaggerating? Or just extremely over protective? Probably all of the above!

I walked into the small bathroom to... Forget that part. But after I did my business and washed my hands I looked in the mirror and saw a had a huge bright red pimple on my nose. Isn't that great??

I rummaged the small room for acne cream. I knew we had it cause, c'mon we are a bus full of teenagers why wouldn't we have acne cream?? After knocking down everything from the cabinet into the sink I found the cream. I bit my lip bored rubbing it on my nose, using every last but of the cream.

As I waited for the cleaning process to end I threw out the little tube into to trash. After I walked away I realized something was strange in that garbage can. As I opened the can my eyes widened.

"What the hell??" I stared at this doll that looked exactly like me in there. I assumed it was Michael's of course. So I picked up the doll out of the bin and walked out of the bathroom. "MICHAEL I FOUND YOUR DOLL IN THE TRASH!"

Michael jogged out of the video game room. "That's not mine!" He scoffed looking at the doll. "I only have Daniel."

"Then who's is it?" I asked still creeped out by the doll.

"Luke no!" Janie ran onto the bus. "Put that thing where it came from or so help me Hemmings I will jump off a bridge!"

"Why?" I looked at my purple haired girlfriend strangely.

"It's dangerous Luke, I know you find that hard to believe but trust me on this," Janie took the doll and placed it on a high shelve, for her at least, I could reach it still.

"What's so dangerous about a little doll?" I picked it back up. Janie stared at me nervously. "What?"

"Where's Ashton?" She changed the subject.

"Out with Blair I think," I told her.

"But... he... GAHHH!" She yelled before running into the bathroom and locked the door.


(Janie's pov)

"He found it, Luke found the doll," I panicked on the phone with Ashton.

"How?" He asked.

"I don't know but I'm really nervous he will figure out what it really is and realize I used it and hate me!" I cried.

"Janie, calm down," Ashton said soothingly, "I'll be there in ten minutes!" And he hung up.

I took a deep breath and calmed down. Although I was absolutely positive that Ashton couldn't do anything right now without Luke finding out. The very thought that he's leaving his date to help, makes me feel better. Ashton always made me feel better by just being there.

I calmly sat against the wall and scrolled through my twitter. My blood pressure went up again. #IHateJanieThompson along with #LukeIsBeingUsed was trending. TRENDING!!! The word was out! I'm dating Luke Hemmings, now the world knows. And there's only one person who could've told them.

"CALUM!!!" I yelled nervously. He ran to the door and knock. I unlocked the door as the boy entered, shutting the door behind him.

"What's wrong?" He stared at me concerned. I just gave him my phone.

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