Chapter 46

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(Janie's pov)

"Hey Ash," I yawned. I finally got off the longest flight of my life.

"Janie!" He hugged me tight and then grabbed my suitcase from my hand.

"Are you done keeping secrets?" I asked. Ashton probably knew that question was coming.

"Honestly Janie, I don't know why Luke didn't want you knowing, it's just a song. He didn't tell me why it was to be so secretive," Ashton shrugged as we walked out of the airport.

Ashton immediately handed me sunglasses, as he had his own on. I completely forgot they were famous to be honest. Yeah duh their stuff was on the radio but I forgot they were... famous like, they're known and get bothered by paparazzi and all that. Like, everyone knows Green Day but nobody chases them and gives them no privacy cause they want a magazine cover.

We walked to his car and got in silently, after I of course confusedly tried getting in the passanger's side from the right. Thankfully no one really noticed us.

"Not used to Australia anymore huh?" Ashton giggled as I shut the door.

"It's too different from America," I shook my head. "I spent three months back in America, so obviously no Ash, I am not used to it here."

"Well I apologised," He smiled starting the car.

"Did you tell anyone you were picking me up?" I asked as we were backing out of the parking lot.

"Only Blair and Liz," Ash said.

"I never met Liz," I shrugged. I wonder if she'd hate me for hurting Luke? Duh!

"Well she's amazing, don't worry if Luke ever introduces you," Ashton reassured.

"Speaking of worry, how are you? Your wedding is coming up, few hours, tomorrow," I smirked.

"I am terrified," Ashton said honestly, keeping his eyes on the road.

"Don't be, you two love each other, nothing will go wrong," I smiled patting his shoulder.

"It's not that, I know it'll be fine, but I don't know. There's just the pre -wedding nerve I guess."

"Makes sense," I nodded. Truthfully, all I was thinking about was Luke. I wanted to see him so badly. He won't even know I am here. But it's okay, this wedding isn't about my return.

"Are you over the whole Voodoo doll stuff yet?" Ashton asked.

"Yes, and no," I sighed, "I believed it's real, but I also feel like Luke probably actually loves me, I don't think it can go on for that long."

"So why are you still separating yourself from him?" Ash wondered.

"I just..," honestly, I didn't know, "I guess I am just scared to be with him."

"With Luke?" Ashton sounded like he was gonna laugh, "little innocent Luke? You're afraid of him?"

"Not of him, to be with him," I expressed.


"Because he's too amazing," I thought, "he deserves someone amazing."

"You deserve to stop putting yourself down," he told me as he pulled into the driveway. "You kinda need to see Luke... the boy's and I are kinda staying at his house... or I can drive you to Blair's Mum's"

"I am fine here I guess," I sighed. "I really want to see Luke, but I am nervous, I haven't seen him in person in months."

"You can do it," Ash smiled at me dragging my suitcase out of the car. I got out and followed him inside. Michael was the first to notice me.

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