Chapter 39

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(Luke's pov)

I woke up with a little regret about it. I didn't want to get up and out of bed. Today I had to watch Janie leave me. The first girl I actually felt a connection with from the start. She'd leave me. Possibly forever.

"Get up lazy bones!" An angelic voice called jumping into my bunk on top of me, she seemed just as surprised she was on top of me as I was, "I'm leaving!"

"I don't want you to," I sighed staring at her gorgeous features.

Her round blushed cheeks, how I remembered how soft they were.

Her hair was still a little purple but her light brown hair was growing in from the top of her head.

I stared back at her blue eyes and noticed they were staring at me, I did love the color of her eyes. Sure I have blue eyes, but hers are a really dark, deep blue.

Her perfectly pink lips were moving, but I didn't hear anything. I watched her lips thinking about the first time I kissed her, in that closet, I felt like an awful person. That was the day I knew I loved her, because nothing so wrong could feel as right as my lips on hers. And I usually wasn't one to constantly dream and think about kissing. I was more of a hugger or cuddler. I only kissed a girl if I knew I really liked her.

Suddenly her thumb and index finger clicked in front of my face as I snapped back into reality.

"Were you listening to anything I just said?" Janie rolled her eyes. This is where most guys would say of course and just nod at everything, pretending to care. But I wasn't one of those guys, I did care about what Janie says, I just was too interested in her features to notice.

"Uhm... No... I'm sorry I was just-"

"Distracted? Thinking? Staring at me?" Janie cut me off. Damn she was good!

"Yes, yes and... Uhmm..." I bit my lip thinking if I should lie about that last part.

"Luke you were obviously staring at me, you haven't looked away smiling for five minutes," Janie laughed getting off me and putting her hand out, "C'mon we have to go to the airport soon."

I grabbed her hand smiling and climbing out of my bunk. My heart pumped out of my chest at the contact. But then I frowned, her hands were ice cubes.

"Why are your hands so cold?" I let go looking down at her.

"Cause I'm cold?" She shrugged and walked over to Ashton who, unlike me, was fully dressed. "Go get dressed, I'll call a taxi and Ashton and I can put my stuff in." I stood there for a minute forgetting she was telling me to do something.

"Luke Hemmings!!" Ashton yelled laughing, "You alive?"

"Uh... Yeah!" I fake laughed trying to hide my lack of thinking. Then I went to my bunk and grabbed clean clothes out of my suitcase to put on. After changing in the bathroom I walked out to hear... crying?

"I'll miss you, you purple haired saint!" Michael sniffled hugging the shorter girl. I smiled a bit mainly because Michael didn't show any real care towards her until now.

"I'll see you guys again one day don't worry," Janie smiled pulling away.

But I could tell that smile was fake, she really wanted to cry.


(Janie's pov)

"Bye everyone," I teared up as Ashton carried my things off the bus. Jay was the first one I hugged, being she was the first girl I opened up to completely about everything. Tears fought their way through my eyes and onto her shirt. I let go smiling and looked at Michael.

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