Mary & Lizzie: Matchmaker Supreme

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Something that under normal circumstances wouldn't have stopped her, but since Elizabeth was Anne's daughter she shut her mouth. She didn't want her to tell Anne that she was rude.

Not that it was specifically because it would be Anne that was told, simply because she didn't want anyone to think that of her.

(Definitely not because it's Anne, nope. Not. At. All.)


Anne watches her daughter run to Mary, utterly delighted to see her. Catherine is just behind her, staring curiously after the two half - sisters.

Anne is delighted too.

To see Mary, of course. Her daughter loves her older sister with a ferocity that occasionally scares said older sister. But with Mary, comes Catherine. Always.

It's just a bonus, a happy combination.

When the Aragon's are around the Boleyn's are happy.


Lizzie latches onto Mary instantly when they make contact. Mary tries to smother the affectionate smile written on her face, but ultimately fails.

"It's worse than I thought."

"I know, they're both pining idiots."

"Mary Aragon using the word idiot? So improperly too? Unheard of."

"Oh ha ha, go ahead and make fun of me, but still - do you think they'll go for it?"

"They have to, it's the only way it'll work."


Mary would never admit this to anyone except for Elizabeth, but long ago when she was still a child she'd gotten her hands on an old diary of her mothers.

And instead of just reading it to find out what she was thinking, she also learned a new trick.


She learned her handwriting in and out, learned her signature, her preferred words and sentence structures.

So this was relatively easy.

It became far easier after that to learn someone else's handwriting. So Mary asked Lizzie to get something that had a lot of her mother's handwriting on it. Once it was given to her, Mary closed the door and pulled out a notebook.

She looked from Anne's page, to her own. And copied down what it said word for word, Anne's cursive was surprisingly neat and easy to copy. As was her grammar, and word choices. Lizzie, it seemed, emulated her mother in that way as well.

It was a piece of cake for Mary to forge two love notes in the respective womens handwriting.


Lizzie wasn't like Mary in that sense.

No, instead she was the actor, the believable one when it came to lying which made her all the more dangerous to believe.

She also picked locks, but that's for another time.

Lizzie was the one who delivered the notes, so that on the off chance she was caught she could spin some story as to why she was there and why there was a note on their bed.

Lizzie tried to teach Mary the ways of the actor, but was kind of sad to watch.

It was alright though, she could never have the amount of patience Mary had with forgery.


When Catherine walked into her room right after a strange encounter with Elizabeth she saw a note on her bed.

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