Chapter 43

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"Excuse me" she frowned, she was becoming annoyed, which isn't what I intended.
"Aria, I was a piece of shit who wasn't grateful enough for what he had, these past couple months have showed me how much I really love you. Every damn day I thought of you, and what you were doing or where you were. I prayed every night to fucking god that you'd come back one day" my face was filled with sadness and desperation, I just want her back in my life
"This still doesn't change what you did to me" She was still just as hurt as she was the first day...because of me, this made me feel more ashamed than ever.
"I know it doesn't, and I'll let you go right now if that's what you really want. But before you decide, I need you to know that every single thing I've ever said to you has been nothing but the truth. So i am begging you, to give me another chance" I really was begging, I'd get down on my knees at this point.
Hesitance and worry washed over her, I could tell she no longer trusted me, I don't blame her.
"I have to go" She mumbled before rushing off to the car parked in front of my lawn. 
"Aria" I called out after her, but she had already gotten in the car and left.
I let her get away...again, I drove away the love of my life and the mother of my child...again.

Aria's POV
Before I decided anything, I had to speak to the one person I knew would help me make the right decision.
"Hey Le" I greeted my best friend who I hadn't spoke to in a while.
"Where the fuck have you been and what the fuck! Your PREGNANT?!" She yelled at me.
The next few hours consisted of her screaming at me in all different kinds of languages, and boy did she know a LOT of languages.
"I am so sorry Leona, but I had to get away, and I knew if we stayed in touch, I would never have been able to leave" I spoke sadly, hoping she would forgive me.
"I'm still really fucking mad" She grumbled, that's how she always acts before forgiving me, thank god my shitty decision didn't ruin my friendship with her.
"I need your help Le, with Carson" I got quiet at his name.
I was about to extent my sentence but she cut me off.
"Get out!" She screamed at me.
I was shocked, is she that angry at me?
"Go to him you idiot" She scoffed cutting me off.
Well looks like I got my advice...that was quick
"Oh!" Before I could speak anymore she dragged me to my car and turned on the engine for me.
"Now go! And you better be back here in 2hours. I have business with you" She narrowed her eyes at me jokingly...I hope.
I started the car and drove back to the place all of this began.
The door was half open, I rushed inside scouring the huge house for Carson. Where the hek is he???

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