Chapter 20

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"So your really not gonna tell me what the fuck happened to your face?!" Leona glowered as I hurried to get to class, not because I'm passionate about Shakespeares literary genius, but because I was trying to get away from her.
"I already told you, I fell" I huffed, why can't she just let it go?
"You really think I'm that gullible, you just accidentally fell, got a black eye and a messed up lip?" She jeered, squinting her eyes, almost as if she was trying to read my thoughts.
"Yes! Is it that hard to believe that I just had a clumsy moment?" I sighed restlessly, where is this stupid classroom!?
"Yeh it is hard to believe, have you even looked in a mirror?! It looks like you fought an angry building!" could say that, my 6,2 fat fuck of a father is the angry building.
"Look don't worry about me, it was an accident, so just let it go" and with that I sped off into the classroom, a wave of relief fell over me, that was until I saw who was in my class...Carson.
The only seat left was next to him so I had no choice, rolling my eyes I walked over to the desk and plopped onto my seat, I could feel all eyes on me, but then the teacher interrupted everyones stares to continue with the lesson.
"What the hell happened to you" Carson whispered, a hint of concern in his tone.
"Nothing" I grumbled, I think it's time for me to move schools again, I'm getting tired of this constant questioning, at least this is my last year, once I leave home I won't have any bruises or broken legs to explain.
"Did someone hurt you" He asked quietly, this made me anxious and he could tell. I didn't answer his question, and for the rest of the lesson I kept my eyes on my textbook and didn't look up.
The bell rang for lesson change and as I scrambled to get my things together I felt a hand on my shoulder, "What happened" He spoke genuinely, as if I'd tell him, just because we kissed once or twice doesn't mean I owe him anything, he isn't my friend.
"I said, nothing!" I growled, swatting his hand away and rushing out of class and to my next lesson.
As I was speeding through the hallway, someone stopped me, what is it now?!
"Well well well...if it isn't the little whore" I turned around to be face to face with Scarlett.
"Well well well...if it isn't little miss jealous" I chuckled, her smirk turned into a frown.
"Oh shut it, who the hell do you think you are" she sneered.
"Look I have to get to class so if you don't mind-
"Actually I do mind!" She cut me off, what's her deal anyway? Is she still upset about me kissing her lil boyfriend.

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