Chapter 12

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Saturday 8:45pm

Dad's drunk out of his mind once again, and passed out in his room, that's my opportunity to leave.
I grabbed my stuff and headed out the door, I'm supposed to meet Leona at her house, she said I can get changed in her car, apparently Carson's house is just a 5minute drive from hers, so we can take our time.
I caught that bus at the top of my road and an hour later I had arrived in front of her house, there she was leaning against her Range Rover with a velvet garment bag folded over her arm, must be expensive if it's in a bag like that.
"You ready?" She giggled throwing the bag at me, "Quickly get changed" she squealed impatiently, "Alright alright, relax" I chuckled, I'm still praying that she didn't bring me something to "glam"
I climbed into the back seat of the car unzipping the bag and sliding the dress onto my body, it was pretty easy considering I'm practically a stick, my eating habits aren't very healthy, I got used to eating really little in the past years so I've developed a very slim and frail composition, probably the one thing I'm insecure about. All the other girls have large chests and ass's and here I am no larger than a C cup, and my side profile is the replica of a board.
I stumbled out of the car and admired my reflection on the body of the car.

Revealing would be an understatement, the front was completely lace, my cleavage was out on show which I thought would be near impossible with a chest as small as mine, the rest of the dress was short, tight and black

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Revealing would be an understatement, the front was completely lace, my cleavage was out on show which I thought would be near impossible with a chest as small as mine, the rest of the dress was short, tight and black. I've never even owned something so skimpy.
"You look AMAZING" Leona shrieked, did I really look good?
"Thanks, you don't look to bad yourself" I giggled, standing next to Leona I felt almost self concise, she radiates confidence and beauty, she has so many curves, her skin a dark shade of brown, she literally glowed in the damn sunshine. Rich and beautiful, what a life.
"Come on or else we'll be late" she pointed to the passenger seat ushering me to go sit, after what seemed like forever we were in the car and she zoomed off.
I've never been the party type, back in middle school, while all the kids were at birthdays or playing in the park, I'd be in my room punching walls and kicking things, It was the only way to get anyone's attention in my household, being scolded was the closest thing I ever got to affection.
Years of abuse make you an angry person, I guess I get my temper from my dad, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
"We have arrived" Leona declared pointing to the huge mansion that stood in front of us, well that was fast.
"Woah" my jaw had dropped, I'd never seen something so large in person, banners hung all over the place, loud music echoed all the way into the streets, people were sat on the lawn smoking, drinking...kissing.

"Told you it would be big"

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