Chapter 18

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Before he could laugh anymore I grabbed him by his collar and tried my hardest to fling him into the pool, but my plan backfired when he grabbed a hold of me and pulled me in with him.
So now we were both gasping for air stood in the middle of the pool dripping in water.
"Good one" he panted, Jesus does anything even effect this guy?
"Ugh" I mumbled, he's really getting on my nerve.
"Why don't you like me?" He asked, he seemed genuinely curious.
"Oh what? Is every girl supposed to melt over you?" I snapped, he really thinks he's all that.
"Yeh basically" he laughed, keep dreaming.
"Okay well next question" he spoke
"Didn't know this was an interrogation" I hissed under my breath.
"What are all those bruises on your legs?" He asked with a puzzled look on his face, great what lie do I come up with now?
"Is it any of your business?" I scoffed.
"Woah Relax, why are you always so angry" he accused, was I? I remember always being so happy as a kid, but happiness doesn't last for long.
"Well excuse me for not being jolly about the fact that I'm soaking wet-" before I could finish my rant he smashed his lips onto mine, I was so shook by what had just happened I didn't have time to push him off or duck, and a part of me weirdly didn't want to, the kiss only lasted a couple seconds, but it only took a few moments for butterflies to begin swarming inside of me, this was unlike me. I don't "do" boys, I'm not that sort of girls, and it seems as though I keep having to remind myself of that, before it could go on for any longer I shoved him off of me.
"What the hell are you doing?!" I growled,
"Oh don't act all angry, you know you wanted it, you didn't try hard to resist" he chuckled, I was angry at him, but I was more angry at myself because I knew what he was saying was true...I wanted it, and I didn't know how badly until it happened. Before anymore conversation struck I quickly climbed out, I grabbed the car keys and rushed away, "Bye princess" he called out to me laughing.
Great...just great, now I'm just like any other girl to him, a toy he thinks he can play around with.
When I stepped outside I spotted Leona leaned against the car having a nap, "Up we get" I shouted shoving her into the car.
"Wha- wait why are you wet?" She was jittery when she woke up but her originally panicked facial expression morphed into a more confused look, I'd be confused too if she went into someones house dry then came out soaked...and not the kind of soaked your thinking, you dirty minded freak, well actually, I think after that kiss I may be soaked both ways.
"I'll explain later, just drive" I sighed, seating myself in the passengers side.
"Alright..." she spoke hesitantly then starting up the car, this will be a lot to explain to my dad.
After a couple minutes we arrived at Leona's
"Are you sure you don't want me to drop you at ur place?" She asked, no way was she about to see where I live.
"It's fine, I only live a couple blocks away, see you Monday" I waved goodbye and rushed to the bus stop.
30 minutes later
"Where the hell have you been" the loud familiar voice of my dear father echoed through the little caravan we called a home.

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