Chapter 21

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"What's your problem, I don't have time for this" I rolled my eyes trying to get past her.
"My problem?! What's your problem!? first you kiss Carson, MY boyfriend! Then I see you sleeping in HIS bed then in the morning I see you two making out in the pool" she yelled, Scarlett was fuming, it's actually pretty hilarious, she was so loud it's actually gathered a bit of a crowd, and I'd hardly call it making out....more like a long peck......
"He isn't your boyfriend when he's sleeping with a different girl every night" I chuckled, this girl is delusional.
"Look at you, you think your all that, well your nothing but a ugly little lowlife, who's mummy and daddy hate" Okay now she went a bit to far, I was getting angry.
"Ooh did I struck a nerve? Is lil Aria not loved at home? Is that why you have all these bruises all the time, do they abuse you too? Well good on them if they do" she giggled, my fists were tight and my nails were digging into my palms as I fought the urge to rip her to shreds. By now everyone had heard the commotion and 2o people were crowded around us, chanting "fight" "fight"
I didn't know we were still in 8th grade.
"Aw is someone upset?" She mocked with a fake baby voice.
That. Was. It.
Without a second thought I charged at her, she tried to swat me away as I pinned her onto the ground, ha this girls never had a fight in her life.
I began punching her, my fists were being smothered with her blood, she was screaming and people were taking videos, everyone was in shock, nobody even dared to stop me.
Until a few moments later I felt arms around me pulling me back, it was Carson. I tried to resist, I wasn't done with her, but he was too strong and managed to pull me back to the other side of the hallway.
She lay there on the ground, blood was everywhere, I guess I should feel bad right now, but I don't, she deserved everything.
A couple minutes passed and the Principal and a couple other teachers ran towards her, they called the paramedics and the police and only moments later they came busting through the door and took her away in an ambulance.
But this wasn't the end of it, an angry principal and two police officers walked towards me "in my office now" she growled.
And that was it, because after a statement to an officer, and a long lecture about how violence is bad, I got a 2week suspension.
They were going to expel me, but I managed to convince them that she hit me first and it was all in self defence, look even though I lied, she still provoked me.
But it's not like I could tell the Principal that, being expelled doesn't look good on college applications, and if I want to get out of my dads grip as fast as I can, I need to keep my record clean.

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