Chapter 2

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"Your excused" I rolled my eyes at the bitch looking me up and down like I was walking trash. She growled lowly at my reply, is this girl forreal?
"Your new?" She asked, like I owed her some explanation as to why I'm here.
"Yeh, is their a problem?" I really don't have time for this, less than five minutes in this place and already in being harassed by some blonde bimbo.
"Let me personally welcome you to Raywood High" she plastered a fake smile on her face as she stretched out her arm to shake my hand, "Scarlett...and you are?" She asked.
I sighed in frustration, "Is it any of your business?" I glared, I wasn't about to be friendly when it was clear that she wasn't the kind of person I wanted to be friends with, also I've had a bad morning so I'm a little crabby. She quickly pulled her hand back...guess she took offence.
"Whatever...look "new girl" just stay out of my way"
Yes ma'am, wouldn't want to come across a cockroach like you again. I didn't even bother with a response, I had to go to the office to collect my timetable.

Couple hours later

Well here I was third lesson of the day, sitting in the back of the class. English lit, my hundredth time learning about Shakespeare, we get it...Juliet was a naïve idiot, move on! We're watching the movie and all I hear are all the girl gushing and looking over to the boys, what? You girls expecting some kind of grand gesture? Ha! The only romantic thing these girls are getting is a thank you for the blowjob they gave in the toilets. Love is overrated...guys are overrated. unfortunately that girl...what was it? Scarlett? Sat at the front of the class whispering to the boy next to her and would turn around to give me a glare every now and then. Thankfully the day went by quickly and finally it was lunch, I was walking through the hallways when I heard a tap on my shoulder, I turned around to be faced with a tall slim lady wearing glasses looking down at me...a teacher I'm assuming, and a shorter girl I had seen around stood next to her shyly.
"Miss Maise, I'm Principal Perry, nice to meet you" she smiled.
"Likewise" I mumbled awkwardly, what did she want?
"Well I hope you've liked our school so far" she was quite the enthusiastic lady wasn't she.
"Yes it's definitely interesting..." I sighed.
More like a hell hole filled with bratty sex addicted kids.
"Since your new I'd like you to become more familiar with Raywood High, so Leona our honour student and head of the debate team has volunteered to show you around" she pointed to the girl beside her.
"I'll let you two get to know each other" she spoke before scurrying off.
"Hey" she seemed like a happy kid...too happy. She was nice to look at though so I guess I can handle this.
"Hi" I waved, I've never been much of a friendly person, I mean you can't blame me. I haven't had the best experience with people in my life, since I move so much I've begun avoiding meeting new people, no point.
"Well let me show you around then, come on" she grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards where she was speeding to. Okay then...

Hate To Love ✔️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat