Chapter 29

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The days passed by pretty quickly and before I even got the time to process anything it was Saturday evening.
I was putting on my clothes when dad barged into the room.
"Where the hell do you think your going" he scoffed.
"Out" I spat, it's a bit to late to start parenting.
"And who gave you the permission?" He asked condescendingly as he crossed his arms.
"Im turning 18 in a month, I don't think I need your permission" I spoke lowly.
"You dare talk back?" He fumed.
"You know what, I am done with you" I yelled, I am really fucking pissed right now.
"Excuse me?"
"Yeh, you heard me, I am done. I keep waiting for you to change but 17damn years and you've only gotten worse. You are a shitty person and an even shittier dad. Fuck you, this is the last damn time you see my fucking face" I screamed, I threw a few things into my bag and shoved past him and out of there.
The moment I've been waiting for my entire life, and it's finally come.
I'm free.
Free from his shit.
I pushed away the thoughts from the event that had just happened and went on my way to the burger place we were all meant to meet.
Tonight was going to be fun.
After an hours travel I arrived at the diner, it was called Tony's, I opened the door and there they were, Lee, Olly, Carson, Roman, Jordan and Leona all sat at the biggest table there, laughing and joking about with each other.
I felt anxious going up to them, I've never had such a large amount of people in my life, it's nerve racking.
"Over here" I snapped my head up and there was Leona waving her arm around gesturing me to come over.
"Hey" I greeted them as I walked over to the table, and they all greeted me back.
"You can sit next to Roman" Olly smirked, I glanced over at Carson and he was glaring as he looked at the seat besides Roman.
Nervously I pulled out the seat and sat down.
"Okay can we order now, I'm dying of starvation" Olly whined.
"Fine, fine" Carson chuckled as he gestured the waitress over.
"What can I get you" she asked and suddenly everyone attacked her with orders, from burgers to shakes to fries and hotdogs, then it was my turn.
"I'll have a water" I spoke lowly, I remembered all of a sudden that I had no money on me and I don't want anyone to have to pay for me, being the poor one in the group is bad enough.
"Water?!" Jordan gasped dramatically.
"Whats up?" Roman whispered, "I just had a huge dinner, I totally blanked about tonight" I lied, hopefully they'll let it go.
"Alright then..." The waitress rolled her eyes and waked away to give out orders, what a ball of sunshine, note the sarcasm.
"So what are you guys doing for the summer?" lee asked.
"Puerto rico all year long babyyy" Jordan laughed, "France, french babes are sexy as fuckkk" Olly giggled making sex gestures.
"I have math camp" Lee scoffed.
"We're still deciding between london or Spain" Leona spoke casually.
"What about you Aria?" Roman asked.
Oh no.

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