Chapter 5

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I managed to fix myself up with the stash of bandages under my bed. And by the next morning here I am as good as new, well maybe a little dented but almost new.
"What the hell happened to your face?" Leona shrieked, I had come to learn that she's a pretty caring person, maybe too caring.
"Walked into a wall" I lied, it's not like I can tell her the truth. 'Oh yeh my dad just beats me on a daily bases'
I'll probably drive her away with all my secrets, it's only the second day of our "supposed" friendship and I'm already messing up. I mean at least I'd win the world record for 'world's shortest friendship'
"Earth to Aria" I snapped out of my thoughts and Leona  was stood waving her hand frantically in front of my face, "okay okay I'm back" I chuckled.
"So what are you going to do on your first free period" she gushed, she did know I have gone to other schools before right? This wasn't my first rodeo.
"I don't know, maybe hang out in the library" I shrugged, I'd rather be somewhere quiet in my free hour than anywhere else.
"Ughh boring" she giggled, we're in school, what does she want from me? A fuckin party?
We were walking through the halls when once again I witnessed another couple sucking face...
"Ugh" people really should get a room, "oh yeh that's Olly and Andrea, nothing special, just your typical jock and mean girl" she rolled her eyes, well she obviously doesn't like them.
"Oh so that isn't the famous Carson Grey" I joked, "Oh you'll know him when you see him" she smirked.
"Yeah sure sure" I laughed, she's just being dramatic, guys are just guys, nothing too special about any one of them.
I really need this day to be over so I can relax...well...after I endure another beating. I've been popping pain killers all day, adrenaline isn't doing me much good at the moment.
"Oh look who's here, didn't I tell you to stay out of my way" two figures stood in front of me, one was Scarlett and the other was the same girl making out with that boy, how the hell did she get here(from the other side if the hallway) so fast?
"Ever thought that maybe your in my way?" I retorted, Jesus is every person in my life an entitled unreasonable looney.
"I'd watch your mouth if I were you" the other girl, Andrea was it? Spoke.
"Oh just give it a rest guys, fudge off" Leona snapped, her mad side was really coming out. Surprisingly in situations like this I stay pretty calm, I'm sure you'd expect me to be the violent type, but knowing I could literally break every bone in her body gives me all the satisfaction I need, after everything I've enduring a cat fight with a few flimsy girls wouldn't even put a scratch on my body.
"And what If I don't 'watch my mouth' " I snarled, girls like these need to be put in their place, just because they're pretty and rich doesn't make you God hunny.
"Lets just go before this gets out of hand" Leona whispered to me, as she slowly pulled me back.
They'll get what's coming to them. Karma's a bitch. 

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