Chapter 42

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Carson's POV
7months...she's disappeared for 7months.
Ever since I called off the wedding 5months ago I've been cooped up in this house, not letting anybody in.
I can't say I didn't deserve it, after what I put her through, I deserve everything I get. How could I be so stupid as to choose Scarlett over her?
How could I be so damn stupid to choose anything over Aria.
I've tried calling her every day, but every time it goes straight to voicemail, I'm going crazy without her.
Leona told me she's safe, but how can I be sure? She could be anywhere in the world right now, I pray every night that she comes back to me, but I don't think that's happening anytime soon.
Pleas Aria, come back to me.
I sighed knowing there was no hope.
I went back up to my room for another nap, it's all I did nowadays, I didn't have the energy for anything else.
I shut my eyes as I fell into another deep sleep.

A couple hours later

I was woken up by the harsh sound of the bell ringing, who is it now? I told my friends to stop coming over here, do they ever just give up?
I didn't want to get up but something told me to go open the door.
Groaning I pulled myself off my bed and stumbled downstairs.
I was ready for another disappointment, but when I opened the door, she was standing there. Aria.
"Carson" she spoke gently.
I was dazed for a moment I couldn't believe what I was seeing, she reached out and placed her hand on my shoulder shaking me back to reality.

"A-Aria" I stuttered, My jaw had dropped 10ft below me.
"What's happened to you" She looked at me with wide eyes, I have changed a bit during the time she's been away, I pretty much look like shit everyday.
I was trying to come up with something to say but the only thing I could think of was pulling her in and wrapping my arms around her.
"I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry" I cried out as I clung onto her tighter.
She stayed silent, she was surprised at my reaction I'm guessing.
"Wait? What happened to you" I let go of her and looked down, her stomach...
"Y-your pregnant" I gasped in shock, what the-
"I don't understand" I was so confused, did she get with somebody else while she was away?
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner" she sighed, so...the baby, belonged to...
"Is it min-
"Yes" she spoke quickly cutting me off.
Shock had overcome me, I was silent for a while, I was trying to process what she had just told him, the baby is mine? I have a baby?
"I'm going to be a father" I mumbled anxiously.
"I get if you don't want any part in his life, I'm going back tonight and I don't expect you to want any part of this"she looked down at her feet speaking lowly, I was shocked at how lowly she thought of me, I would never abandon my child, but I also said I'd never abandon her, I understand her hesitance.
Something's also changed about her, that rebellious sparke she had in her has died down.
"Are you kidding me, I'm going to be fucking father" I laughed loudly dropping my bottle of alcohol, "And if you think I'm letting you leave, your fucking insane" I scoffed, I can't bare another day without her with me.

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