Chapter 39

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"Have you chosen a name yet sweety" Delena asked, for weeks on end she's been hoarding my apartment with baby magazines and lists of "best baby names in the world"
"I'm still deciding" I chuckled at her annoyed complexion, Delena wasn't able to have any kids of her own so she decided to live vicariously through me, I didn't mind it to be honest, she was going to be my sons godmother after all.
I trust her more than anyone right now.
"Well make sure to name him something meaningful, names are forever you know" She waved her finger in the air, as if it wasn't obvious.
"I know Delena, don't worry, I'll choose something amazing" I giggled, trying to give her some peace of mind.
"Wonderful! I'll go get you some tea" She clapped her hands joyfully before scurrying off to the kitchen.
I sighed as I relaxed my shoulders and laid back on the sofa, my shift ended 10minutes ago and I was ready to go home and sleep.
I was closing my tired eyes when the ringer of my phone went off, who's calling me?
It was an unknown number which made me feel anxious but I picked it up anyway.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Hi is this Aria Maise?" The stranger asked, how did they know who I was?
"Yes" I answered hesitantly.
"Your father Peter, has sadly passed away this evening, I am very sorry for your loss. I know this is a sensitive time but we need you to sign off on what you would like to do" The woman spoke sympathetically, I couldn't believe what I was hearing, could he really be dead?
I felt as though I should have been feeling some kind of way...but no, I felt nothing.
"You can do whatever you want with it" I spoke coldly, I didn't care what happened to that old hag, I'm done caring for people who never cared for me.
"Sadly miss that's not how it works, we need you to sign off in person" She spoke more sternly this time, she must've been pretty surprised at my initial answer.
"Fine, where shall I come?" I sighed in annoyance. 
"32 ash wood lane, Raywood" She told me and my blood ran cold at the thought of returning to Raywood...what if I saw him.
"Alright, thank you" I spoke before ending the call.
As I put my phone down Delena walked in with a tray of tea and biscuits, "What's wrong dear?" Her original smile had turned into a look of concern.
I explained everything to her, she already knew about my situation, she always gave the best advice.
"Don't worry my dear, you'll be in and out in a jiffy, I'm sure nobody will even see you" she reassured me, "You can even take my car" She smiled pulling her car keys out of her pocket and placing them in my palm.
I sighed knowing the moment I crossed the border between Raywood and Cytadel all the memories would come pouring back to me, memories I had locked away in the back of my mind, things I didn't want to re live. 
But what else am I meant to do? I'll just have to suck it up and go back, if I'm fast I shouldn't be there for more than a day.

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