Chapter 37

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"Save it, I can't believe I let this happen" I sighed, at the end of the day this was my fault, I should have known all of this was too good to be true.
"I didn't lie about how I felt, I do love you Aria, more than I do most people in this world. But I have to do what my parents say" He groaned, rubbing his temple.
"Oh what? Did they threaten to cut you out of the will if you didn't?!" I whaled, after my statement he hung his head in shame.
"Wow, you sold me out for money"
"I'm so sorr-
He was about to apologise but I cut him off, I didn't want to hear it.
"You know what Carson I get giving up millions for one girl is 'difficult' hek if it was my money I'd sell you out too. But what I don't get is how fucking selfish you were to still play around with me even when you knew it all had to come to an end soon" My loud voice had calmed, I tried to keep my temper at bay.
"I'm sorry" He sighed guiltily.
"I don't even know you anymore, but I guess seeing as you lied to me, I never even knew you from the very beginning" Stupid little girl, my dad was right, I'm a worthless and weak piece of shit.
I didn't want to look at his face anymore, So I turned around and began walking, I had nowhere to go, but anywhere was better than here.
I had the fifty dollars Carson's mum had given me and that's it, enough for a bus ticket and one night in a motel...great.
But I had to get out of here, I couldn't stay in this stupid little town anymore.
After 40minutes of walking I arrived at the bus stop, "Where are you heading young lady?" The ticket man asked in a jolly voice...where am I going?
"The Citadel" I spoke after a couple moments of thinking.
"That's a long journey, are you sure your ready for the big city?" He raised a brow, and the truth was I wasn't ready. But did I really have a choice?
I nodded and gave him my cash, he gave me half of it back and handed me my ticket.
A ticket for a new life...a new me.
The bus arrived exactly on time, 3:45pm
I entered the musty vehicle and showed the driver my ticket who gestured me to take a seat, after about 10 minutes the bus was filled, the doors shut and we began our journey.
Everything had gone by so fast, I didn't even have time to fully process everything.
I had dozens and dozens of missed calls from Carson and Leona, I felt guilty for leaving her, she was my best friend, and she hadn't done anything wrong, but I was in to much pain to speak to anyone.
"I'm alright, I'm leaving and I won't be coming back for a while" I typed and sent the message off before blocking both her and Carson's contact, any type of word from them could change my mind and make me turn back.
And I couldn't risk that happening, I needed to forget about Raywood.

For good.

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