Chapter 38

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7 Months Later

I quickly tied my hair back before falling to my knees above the toilet seat and vomiting my whole day's meal out, it's been like this since the stick turned blue.
Two weeks into my "city adventure" and I found out I was pregnant, after everything that had happened I didn't think I was ready to have nore to take care of a baby, I considered giving it up...but something in me stopped me from going through with the procedure.
The Inn owner, (Delena Maive, an older women) had offered me a job the first night I stayed there, I was surprised she didn't even ask for any qualifications.
In the past few months, she has become a sort of motherly figure to me, she was kind and understanding and wise...everything my real mother was not.
She helped me pay for the apartment I'm staying in now, I'll pay her back of course, once I can afford it.
I was happy, but I couldn't help but wonder what the guy I was so madly in love with was doing.
Was he married now?
Is he living happily in his beautiful house, with his amazing wife?
I pushed those thoughts when they came around, it's none of my business what Carson's doing, all I have to concentrate on is my baby.
My beautiful baby boy is to be born in only 2months, I can't wait for his arrival, I'll love him more than anybody else, I'll adore him for the rest of his life, I'll never let him feel like I did.
I had considered telling Carson...but the thought of talking to him again hurt my heart.
What if he took away my baby?
I am only 18 after all, he's better fit to take care of the baby financially than I ever could, he could give our child things I could never.
But without this baby I had nothing, is it selfish to want to keep him to myself?
I was still deciding on names, I wanted to name him after someone significant in my life, but I had nobody.
But I guess I still had 2months to decide, no rush.
I grabbed my keys and exited my apartment, I had an early shift at the Inn today.
It was an old and rustic place, the walls were covered in floral wallpaper and the floors were creeky and made of oak wood and the stench of sandalwood roamed around the halls.
I'll admit it was getting difficult to get around, everyday I felt as though my stomach was getting bigger and heavier, everything either made me sick or tired.
But I had no choice but to work, I needed to do this...for my baby.
I wasn't some kid anymore, I was a mother, and it was my duty to work hard to give him the life he deserves.
Saying I had 'changed' would be an understatement, in the past 7months, every ounce of me had morphed into something else, and it's not all bad.
I taught myself to stop being such a kid, I grew and matured, I had to.
I didn't mess around with boys anymore, or make sarcastic comments every two seconds.
I had to leave my childish ways behind, for my own sake.

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