Chapter 31

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After we exited Tony's we just hung about on the side walk, Olly and Jordan had snuck vodka and whiskey with them and where chugging away.
"Well I don't know about you guys but I am tired as fuck, I'm going home" Leona yawned as she took out her car keys.
"Agreed" Lee chuckled as he walked towards her car, they came here together? Looks like there getting pretty serious.
"Well I'll see you around pretty lady" Roman winked and left to chuck his two drunk friends into the back of his car.
"How are you getting home?" Carson asked, it was unusual seeing someone be so concerned with my well being, I guess I wasn't used to it.
I stayed silent, as much as I kept trying to come up with lies nothing came out of my mouth.
"So now your not even going to speak to me?" He scoffed rolling his eyes.
"I don't have a home..." I mumbled embarrassed.
"What does that mean?" He was majorly confused.
"It means I'm not going home" I sighed.
"Then where are you going?" That's a question I've been asking myself the whole night.
"I dont know, I'll figure it out" truthfully I have no plan whatsoever, I guess I'll be sleeping out in the streets tonight.
"Come on" He stated before grabbing my backpack and walking towards his car.
"Your coming with me" he cut me off.
"No I can't do that"
"Why not? I have a dozen guest rooms, you can stay in one of those" I wanted to object, but I decided to stop being an ass and just accept his offer for once.
"What about your parents?" I asked.
His face suddenly became a little sad, "their travelling" He then said, something tells me theres more to this, but I didn't ask.
He turned the engine on and began driving towards the large mansion I was partying at a couple weeks ago.
After a couple minutes of driving we arrived.
We entered his house and unlike that night, it was completely empty, you could hear a pin drop here.
He took me up the staircase and showed me the room I was going to stay in, it was large and had a king sized bed places in the centre of the room, it was the same size as my trailer home.
"Thanks" I mumbled quietly, I hated accepting help from people, especially Carson, he already thinks I'm pathetic enough, now I'm his charity case too.
"You okay?" He asked.
In that moment I felt like I wasn't alone for once, like I had someone by my side, but that feeling was bound to end, because me and Carson are nothing to each other.
"Yeah" I lied, I wasn't okay, I felt like breaking down and never coming back up, I hated myself for accepting his offer, and I hated myself even more for not telling him I loved him too that night.
Because no matter how many flaws he has, no matter how toxic or how much of a player he is, I'm drawn to him like I've never been to anybody else, he makes me feel so good about myself.
But he also makes me weak, he manages to get through my wall...and that scares me.
I'm falling for you to Carson.

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