Chapter 23

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1week into suspension, 1 full week of being with my father, I think he's sensed that people have become a bit suspicious of my "accidental wounds"
Because he hasn't laid a hand on me since I was suspended, but he hasn't held back on the screaming and lecturing.
Im just so damn tired, mentally and physically, I can't take this anymore.
Am I even human anymore? Because Scarlett's in a hospital bed right now and I don't give a shit, a part of me wishes Carson never pulled me back, I could have hurt her even more.
Speaking of Carson, I've been thinking about him for some time, I don't want to admit it, but I like him...I like him a lot, and that scares me.
I've never had a guy give a single shit about me, ever, so this is a first for me, he just seems so concerned sometimes, it makes me feel like I'm almost worth something.
I hide it...but really, I have quit a low opinion of myself, but ever since I met Carson I feel like everyone else, I feel like a girl, and not just some invisible bag of bones.
Nobodies ever found me attractive, and these days every guy wants an ass to grab, I never cared before, but growing up learning you can never be loved because of the way your body looks hurts at some point.
It's 9pm at the moment, so I decided to go out for a walk, one advantage of living out of town is that nobody from school will see me.
I guess I should let you in on where the hell we are. The town of Raywood was founded 50years ago, so pretty new, it's only the home to two thousand people and majority of them are rich people who want to get away from the busyness of the big city. Me and my dad just live on the border, the surroundings are trees, grass and a few cars driving past every now and then, our area isn't the busiest.
The ground is cobbled and everywhere you look theres some big oak, nobody had any business being in these parts...well that's what I thought.
Because after 10minutes of walking through the paths a car drove up next to me, "Hop in" I heard a familiar voice, "What the hell are you doing here" I spoke through gritted teeth...he. Is. Everywhere.
"The question is what are you doing here" He questioned, I guess it was hard to believe for him that anybody could even live here.
"Is it any of your business?" I asked, my eyes narrowed in annoyance.
"Nope but you should still hope in" he chuckled, all Carson does is wind people up.
I knew full well he wouldn't be giving up anytime soon, so I opened the door to his porsche and sat down slamming the door shut.
"That door costs more than your life" He smirked, which I just rolled my eyes to.
He smiled and then hit the gas, taking me who knows where.

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