"Oh stop it Will," she cut him off, putting a hand on his shoulder, "you're an amazing guy. I love you just the way you are, I don't think anyone else can even handle me. Will you take me back?"

Astonished, he could only stare into her eyes. "Of course I will. I'm not going to mess things up this time, I promise." He said, immediately pulling her into a tight hug.

But soon, the happiness faded. "I can't go with you to the wedding, though. Regina would have my head put on a spike."

Ruby sighed heavily in his arms, knowing he was right.

"What about the bachelor party tonight? Surely Robin will invite you."

His saddened eyes only told the truth. "It'll be too risky. I've got things I need to do around the apartment anyways. You'll have to be sure and tell me all about it."

It wasn't fair; not the slightest bit.

"I... I will. Maybe I can stop by after the wedding?"

He smiled. "Yeah. I'd like that. Just make sure my brother has the best wedding this town has seen."

It seemed a lot to ask for, but he could expect nothing less from a thief that smelled like forest and a not so evil queen.


"Be sure to have fun tonight," Robin instructed, giving his wife to be a quick smile.

Regina rolled her eyes. "Of course honey. Just promise me you won't drive if you're really drunk. And-" she waited until she was an inch away from his face before continuing. "No strippers. If I hear about any of that going on-"

"Oh don't be silly, I'm not an idiot." Robin replied, rolling his eyes and kissing her. "Seriously though, David is waiting outside for me. I'm sure the girls are waiting for you too."

"Why can't we be a part of your guy party?" Henry asked, entering the room, "I'm old enough. And no offense but I don't want to be stuck at Archie's while my parents are out partying."

Regina had to laugh as she placed a hand on his shoulder. What a big prince he was turning out to be.

"I'm sorry, I really am. When you get to marry a girl one day, you can go to one of these. But, until then, Archie's it is."

As usual, his mother's wise words persuaded him thoroughly. "Alright. I'll keep Roland and Caroline safe, I promise."

She didn't even have to say it that time- he knew. And he meant his words, with all of his heart.

"I know you will. You can discuss our wedding plans with Archie and get him excited to go."

"Who isn't excited?" Henry added, hugging her close. "I love you Mom."

Roland then emerged from the hallway, his green blanket trailing behind him.

"Can Jupiter come with us so she can play with Lucy?" He asked in a small voice, looking up at his father with tired eyes.

Robin picked him up easily. "Of course! But you need to promise me you'll go to bed early. You have a very big day tomorrow."

Resting his head against his chest, Roland nodded. "But I want to stay with you Daddy. I promise I'll be good."

Exchanging a heavy glance with Regina, Robin sadly shook his hear. "I'm sorry little man. You'll be safe with Archie, I promise."

It was getting late. Reluctantly, the outlaw set the boy back down and told Henry to get Caroline out of her crib without waking her. Roland set to work on trying to catch his puppy. The trusted therapist showed up at their doorstep, both Pongo and Lucy on leashes beside him. With that, the couple sent their three children off with the puppy and a diaper bag, making them readily available for what the rest of the night had to offer.

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